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Seven Days a Week - 15

- Third Person Pov -




As you strolled Minji back home, the night embraced you with a subtle chill. The dim glow of streetlights illuminated your path, casting shadows that danced with every step. You reluctantly released Minji's hand upon reaching her doorstep.

"See you tomorrow," Minji said, a warm smile playing on her lips. You echoed the sentiment with a nonchalant hum, reciprocating the casual farewell. A pout adorned her face as she expressed, "I am going to miss you," prompting a chuckle from you.

"Hmm, I can sense that," you teased, meeting her eyes. A reciprocal giggle escaped her as she playfully rolled her eyes, her smile infectious. "I am going to miss you too," you admitted, the sincerity in your voice mirrored in her laughter. "You better!" she insisted, her playful demeanor intact, and you nodded, acknowledging the unspoken promise.

"Um, I will head home now, or mom will get worried... um, bye, see you later!" Minji announced, ready to retreat into the warmth of her home. However, a sudden touch on her hand arrested her movement. "Minji?" you mumbled, a moment of hesitation painting your expression. She turned to you, curiosity dancing in her eyes.

"I don't know how to say it... but I think... um," you faltered, the weight of the words palpable.

"I think I love you..."

- Kim Minji Pov -




A profound sense of disbelief washed over me when Lee Y/n confessed their love.

My crush reciprocated... I'm on cloud nine...!!!!

As a silence settled between us, Y/n released my hand.

"Ehm, it's okay if you consider me just a friend," Y/n said. "This clueless person didn't catch on... I've been dropping hints since the beginning, and now they're casually saying it's okay to be just friends... seriously!" I thought.

"Ehm, I'm going to head out now!" Y/n declared as they started to walk away. "Hold on a second!" I exclaimed, seizing their hand with a playful smirk. "Huh?" Y/n mumbled, meeting my gaze. "Allow me to respond," I said, planting a gentle kiss on their cheek. After the brief contact, I pulled away with a smile. "You, Lee Y/n, excel in academics but seem to miss the subtler things!" I teased, rolling my eyes.

"So, does that mean you're not interested in dating me? Tell me, what am I lacking? I'll work on it for you!" Y/n offered as I grinned. "You're not lacking anything... you just missed the cues I've been dropping!" I said as Y/n looked at me. "Ehm, my apologies... I'll be more attentive to your signals from now on," they promised. "But dating Kim Minji isn't a walk in the park!" I playfully teased, adding a touch of drama.

"Uh... what do I need to do to win the heart of Kim Minji?" Y/n inquired. "It's quite simple!" I replied, meeting their eyes. "What is it?" they asked. "This!" I said, gently kissing Y/n's lips.

Caught off guard by the unexpected kiss, Y/n blinked in surprise.

"Did you just kiss me?" Y/n questioned, and I maintained a playful smirk. "Indeed, I did," I confirmed. "And if you want to date me, you'll need to reciprocate those kisses." I declared, watching as Y/n nervously touched their neck. "But I'm not skilled in kissing..." Y/n admitted as I chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll be your guide... ehm, come here, let me teach you!" I said, pulling Y/n closer.

"Uh... not now, maybe tomorrow?" Y/n suggested as I shook my head, wearing a playful pout. "No, right now," I insisted, pulling them even closer. "But I'm not prepared for that!" Y/n protested. "I don't mind," I replied, leaning in for another kiss.

"Look, it's your mother!!" Y/n suddenly pointed out, diverting my attention, and swiftly evaded my grasp. As I turned, there was no one.

"You mischievous Y/n!" I exclaimed, then turned back to see Y/n running away. "Heyyyy, myyyy kissssss!!!!" I playfully shouted.

"I can't, maybe tomorrow... ugh, I don't know!!" Y/n shouted back as they continued their retreat.

I couldn't help but shake my head, thoroughly amused by their delightful antics.

- Your Pov -




As I strolled down the bustling school hallway, a familiar voice called out, "Y/n~." I turned around, and there stood Kim Minji. "Hey," I greeted her as she smirked and elegantly approached me. "Morning? Hi? Where's my good morning kiss?" she teased, looking at me with a playful glint in her eyes.

"Maybe you should ask someone else," I suggested, and she let out a theatrical sigh, shaking her head. "Looks like I'll have to take the initiative..." She muttered to herself before addressing me again. "Y/n, you know what? Come here!" she exclaimed, gently grabbing my arm.

"Minji, we can't do PDA here. What if someone sees us?" I protested with a whine, to which she confidently replied, "Don't worry; I've got secret spots." I sighed in response. "Look over there, Mr. Park is watching us!" I pointed at our chemistry teacher.

Minji smirked, "Do you think you can escape me like you did yesterday? I know you're trying to run away, but I'm not letting you off the hook!" She declared with a hint of playfulness. "Come with me!" she urged, leading me away.

Just as we moved, someone called out, "Lee Y/n?" It was Mr. Park. I sighed, and Minji, after a moment's hesitation, released my hand. "Can I have a word with them? It's important," Mr. Park asked Minji. "Come with me to the teacher's room," he directed me, and I followed him.

"Make sure to meet me during lunchtime, or our date won't happen!" Minji playfully warned me before I continued on with Mr. Park.

( To be continued... )

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