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Seven Days a Week - 07


Third Person Pov

The day had been planned for a hangout with Minji's friends, and you were eagerly awaiting their arrival. The anticipation swirled within you, a mix of excitement and curiosity about the day ahead.

Suddenly, Hyein's voice broke the quiet, her stomach apparently making its presence known in no uncertain terms.

"Y/n, my stomach is growling! Oww!" she exclaimed, her hand pressed against her belly.

Concerned, you turned to her immediately. "Are you okay?" Your eyes held a mixture of worry and care.

"Do I look like I'm okay?!" Hyein's tone was filled with playful exasperation, though there was a hint of genuine discomfort.

The idea of canceling briefly crossed your mind, but before you could voice it, Dani intervened.

She gently held Hyein, her reassuring presence grounding the situation.

"No, we don't have to! Haerin, Hanni, and I will take care of Hyein, don't worry. You go with Minji!" Dani's voice was confident, filled with a sense of assurance.

"But going out without you guys-" You started, concern etched across your face, but Hanni quickly joined Dani in supporting Hyein, displaying a united front.

"Don't worry, we can handle this baby!" Hanni's voice was filled with determination, her eyes bright with determination.

Haerin, always the voice of reason, chimed in, "We can hang out later!" Her words were laced with a mischievous glint, hinting at the underlying plan.

You glanced at Hyein, who seemed to be playing along with their scheme.

This was their strategy, a clever ploy to carve out some alone time for you and Minji, a moment to connect.

"Alright... please take care of Hyein. If you need anything, just call me," you said, finally agreeing to their plan.

"Go date with Minji now!" Hyein said.

"Okay, don't worry, we've got it from here!" Dani's reassurance put you at ease.

As they led Hyein away, you turned to Minji, who was blushing from the mention of your date earlier.

"Are you okay?" you asked her, your concern genuine and gentle.

"Yes, I'm fine," she replied, her gaze drifting away.

"But if you don't feel well or anything, just let me know, okay?"

She nodded, appreciating your thoughtfulness.

"Alright. So, where would you like to go?"

Minji took a moment to consider, then suggested, "How about ice cream? I'm really in the mood for some."

"Okay, I'm up for ice cream," you agreed with a smile.

"Seems like we have a lot in common. Are we soulmates?" She teased.

"Maybe," you teased back, enjoying the playful banter.

Meanwhile, back at Hyein's house, the friends settled in.

"You should seriously consider acting, Hyein!" Dani complimented her.

"Yeah, I'm a multi-talented star!" Hyein playfully boasted.

"But when you were acting out your stomachache, it seemed like you were expecting!" Haerin teased.

"What the fuck, Kitty Kang!" Hyein exclaimed, playfully swatting Haerin.

"Just imagine Minji's reaction when she saw Y/n talking. She'd be like, 'Why is someone from heaven talking?'. She is dead now maybe." Hanni chimed in, imagining the scene.

"No, she's a rizzer," Hyein corrected, giggling along with the others.

"And just picture them sharing a kiss!" Haerin added, giggling mischievously.

"Minji would probably be like, 'Your my first kiss, bro!'" Hanni pretended, mimicking Minji's voice. "But honestly, they do make a cute couple. Never mind!"

Hanni's words were met with laughter from the group, the anticipation of what the day might hold for you and Minji filling the air with excitement.






( To be Continued )

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