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Seven Days a Week - 05


Third Person POV

The day kicked off with an unfortunate event - you were running late for class, resulting in an unexpected detention.

Minji's reaction was nothing short of dramatic. She practically wailed, "WHAT!? Y/N GETS DETENTION! MY POOR INNOCENT Y/N!" The exclamation was laced with both concern and exaggerated sympathy, eliciting amused smiles from the others.

Hyein, always quick with the quip, chimed in, "This sleepyhead is such an adorable thing." Minji couldn't help but agreed.

"Minji is down bad!" Hanni commented as she looks at them.

Dani, with her own unique brand of humor, joined in, "And that's a cute thing!"

"yeah.. but stay a bit away from Y/n. You know you're already mine!" Haerin playfully staked her claim, a glint of mischief in her eyes.

Dani leaned in, puckering up for a quick peck on Haerin's cheek.

"OK kitty, I'm yours," she declared with a teasing wink.

"MOM, MY HOLY EYES!" Hyein protested, though it was more for comedic effect than genuine shock. Her mock outrage earned a round of chuckles from the group.


Skipping ahead, you found yourself in the detention room.

Each tick of the clock seemed to drag on endlessly, making the room feel like a prison.

The door groaned open, signaling the arrival of more students.

Without looking up, you could tell there were multiple pairs of feet approaching.

As the footsteps drew nearer, you couldn't help but wonder what had brought them here.

Finally, lifting your gaze, you were met with five familiar faces, each wearing expressions ranging from mild embarrassment to sheepish grins.

"What are you guys doing here?" you asked, genuinely surprised by their presence.

"Hanni Unnie had a cunning plan to give a mean girl a taste of her own medicine. It got a bit messy, and we ended up in a skirmish with her group. Hence, we find ourselves here, in detention,"

Hyein explained, her tone a mix of nonchalance and subdued pride. Concerned, you scanned their faces for any visible signs of injury.

"I'm okay," Hyein the first one reassured you, a resilient glint in her eyes.

"I'm fine too, although Minji got a cut on her lip!" Hanni reported, her voice a blend of urgency and minor distress.

"Minji?" you turned to the girl, finding her staring at you with a mixture of gratitude and something else you couldn't quite place.

"Does it hurt?" you inquired gently, as you delicately applied ointment to her cut.

"No, not at all. It's you, after all," she replied, her voice soft, a smile playing on her lips.

"Done!" you declared, your professional demeanor melting into a warm smile.

"Thank you, Dr. Y/n!" she playfully bowed, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

You couldn't help but return her smile. Her playful spirit was infectious.

On the other side of the room, Haerin couldn't help but comment,

"I never thought I'd see the day when Minji would stand up to someone."

"She's Kim Minji, after all!" Dani chimed in, her voice filled with a mixture of pride and fondness.

"And she's a simp for Lee Y/n!" Hanni couldn't resist a playful tease, grinning widely.

"Shhh, let me enjoy this romantic scene!" Hyein playfully shushed them, her voice filled with mock scandal.

After detention, you all headed to a nearby convenience store, and you generously treated them to some snacks.

As the six of you strolled down the sidewalk, Hyein suddenly had an idea.

"Wait, I just remembered! Let's split up into duos. I'll walk with Hanni since our houses are close. And Haerin and Dani are neighbors, so Minji can be with you!" she suggested, her enthusiasm infectious.

In a flash, she grabbed Hanni's hand, bidding quick goodbyes and leaving with a swift wave.

Haerin and Dani followed suit, leaving you and Minji to walk side by side.

The atmosphere was comfortable, the gentle hum of conversation filling the air.

"It was quick," Minji commented, breaking the silence.

"Oh... by the way, where do you live?" you asked, genuinely interested in getting to know her better.

"[Address]," she replied, her voice warm and open.

"Oh, it seems like we live in the same area. Let's go," you suggested, a small smile playing on your lips.

The suggestion felt natural, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

As you walked shoulder to shoulder, you couldn't help but enjoy the comforting companionship.

It felt like you were falling into a rhythm, a comfortable ease settling between you. The occasional rustle of leaves, the distant chatter of passing pedestrians - it all felt like the backdrop to something special.

There was a momentary pause, a gentle lull in the conversation.

Finally, you broke the silence, asking,

"Did your lips hurt?"

"Yeah, but a kiss from you can heal it," she said with a playful grin, her eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint.

"You're funny, Minji," you replied, genuinely enjoying her company.

"I love it when you say Minji!" she confessed, her eyes locked onto yours, her expression filled with warmth and affection.

It was becoming more and more evident that Minji had down bad  for you.

"Looks like we're at your place. And thank you," you said, your voice soft, indicating that you had arrived.






(To be continued)

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