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Seven Days a Week - 08





Third Person Pov

The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the streets as you and Minji continued your leisurely walk.

There was an unspoken ease between you, a comfortable silence that spoke volumes.

Minji, for her part, seemed to be embracing the role of a true gentlewoman. She walked slightly ahead, glancing back every now and then to ensure you were alright.

It was endearing, to say the least. Her considerate gestures and the way she looked out for you were like gentle strokes painting a portrait of her caring nature.

As you reached the familiar surroundings of her house, a playful whine escaped her lips.

"Seems like this is my stop... Why did we walk that fast!?" she pouted, her eyes wide with mock indignation, looking up at you for an answer.

"I don't know," you replied with a soft chuckle, finding it endearing how such a minor detail had ruffled her feathers.

She continued to pout, but then her expression shifted. It was as though she had something important to say. "Ehmm, Y/n...?" she began, her voice carrying a hint of nervousness.

You turned to her, genuinely intrigued now. "Yes?" you encouraged her, your eyes locked on hers.

"Ehmm, I felt happy when I spent time with you... you're really...ehm...really..." She hesitated, searching for the right words to convey her feelings.

"Yes, Minji?" you prompted gently, allowing her the space to express herself.

" Kind,cute... and..." she murmured, her gaze softening as a shy smile played on her lips.

"And?" you encouraged, a playful glint dancing in your eyes.

"...Hot!" She blurted out, her cheeks instantly flushing with embarrassment.

Your eyes widened in surprise. "What?" This unexpected admission caught you off guard.

Minji was equally taken aback by her own boldness.

She buried her red face in her hands, overwhelmed by her own confession.

"Ehmm, thanks. You're... too. Kind,pretty cute and... hot," you managed to say, your tone warm and reassuring.


In a different corner of the world, Hyein's exclamation echoed through the room. "WHAT!?"

"Y/n called you hot!?" she exclaimed, unable to contain her surprise.

Minji, still recovering from her own admission, nodded fervently. Her cheeks were a rosy hue, and she couldn't shake the embarrassment coursing through her.

"But they also called me cute... pretty cute... Aghhhh, Lee Y/n, why are you making me fall for you even more!?" Minji confessed, a mix of exasperation and fondness in her voice. She buried her red face in her hands.

"Whoa... I think the main event is coming!" Hyein teased, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

"What?" Minji looked up, her curiosity piqued.

"I mean, Y/n is falling for you. I have an idea... how about you turn on the heat, unnie?" Hyein suggested with a sly smirk.

"What?" Minji's eyes widened in surprise.

"Be alluring for your soon-to-be loml! Seduce Y/n with your looks!" Hyein's smirk only grew wider.

"Uhmm, do you think Y/n will like that?" Minji asked, clearly uncertain about this new strategy.

"Maybe... I should let you know, Y/n has a thing for 'hot' stuff," Hyein added with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "So maybe they'll appreciate you too!"


Back in the school library, you were fully engrossed in your book. The words on the pages wove a vivid tapestry, pulling you into their world.

Your headphones provided a soundtrack to this private realm, the melodies guiding your imagination.

Unbeknownst to you, someone had taken a seat beside you. When you eventually turned the page, you were met with the familiar gaze of Kim Minji.

She wore a playful smirk, her presence suddenly filling your peripheral vision.

"Oh... Minji?" you said, gently removing your headphones, the soft strains of music escaping into the air.

"Hi Y/nnie, the one and only cutie!!" Minji greeted you, her voice carrying a certain warmth and depth that you found strangely appealing.

"Hi," you replied, a small smile playing on your lips. Her voice was undeniably captivating.

"What are you doing here?" you asked, genuinely curious.

"I came here to inform you that... you and I are going on a date... after school," she declared, her words laced with confidence.

"Oh, um, what about the other girls?" you inquired, still not quite grasping the nature of this outing.

"Um, other girls?" she echoed, her eyes meeting yours.

"Yeah, I don't know... about them. We should... uh, go alone this time... again... please?" she requested, her eyes wide and filled with a touch of vulnerability.

"Why? Do you like hanging out with me alone?" you chuckled softly, touched by her sincerity.

She nooded her head.

"Yeah, I don't want to share you," she thought, her voice gentle and warm.

"Okay, then... how about we hang out at my house? You can... uh, meet my cat! She's so cute. You'll be happy to see her. We can play with her. And we can talk, and, uh, you can meet my mother too," you suggested, a gentle smile on your face.

"As your girlfriend, then, okay!" Minji thought, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Okay, Y/n! Your cat? She must be cute like you, but you're even cuter, obviously , haha," she remarked, her laughter filling the air.

"Okay, then let's meet after school," you said, rising to your feet as the bell rang, signaling the start of your next class.






( To be continued )

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