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Seven Days a Week - 02


Third Person POV

The afternoon sun painted dappled patterns on the park's green carpet, casting a serene ambiance.

Hanni's exclamation cut through the tranquility, her voice filled with a mix of amusement and disbelief. "Fuck, another one!?"

Minji, nestled beside her, couldn't help but chuckle.

"Shh, yeah, another one," she confirmed with a grin. Hanni, ever the candid one, took a nonchalant bite of her bread.

"You're having a vivid dream about someone you don't even know exactly," she teased, crumbs falling like confetti.

As Minji's gaze wandered towards the horizon, her daydreams spun their intricate tales.

"Hmm, maybe... falling for them, or maybe not!" Her voice carried the soft lilt of whimsy, a hint of mystery in her eyes.


In the heart of the bustling school courtyard, the two friends eagerly awaited their companions.

Finally, the others arrived, Dani's voice carrying a note of apology. "Hi, we're late!" she announced, settling into a vacant spot.

Hyein, ever the cheerleader, chimed in, "For Haerin Unnie!" taking her place beside Dani.

Hanni couldn't resist a playful jab. "Oh, did she fall asleep in class again, right?" she quipped, prompting Haerin's good-natured protest.

"Oh, please. Is sleeping in school a crime?" she retorted, her tone laden with feigned indignation. Laughter bubbled up, weaving a tapestry of camaraderie.

Dani, ever the affectionate soul, leaned in to pat Haerin's head.

"The cat is just catting!" she declared, a tender smile gracing her lips.

Haerin's pout was met with laughter, her words cloaked in playful defiance.

"Dani unnie just loves me! You three suck," she declared, her loyalty unwavering.

The room filled with peals of laughter, harmonizing into a symphony of shared mirth.

Haerin, in her exuberance, couldn't contain herself.


Her proclamation was met with cascades of giggles and good-natured teasing.

Hyein, ever the inquisitive one, sought the heart of the matter.

"No, seriously. Why? When did you develop a crush, Unnie?" Her gaze shifted to Minji, who looked momentarily lost in thought.

"Umm, like five days ago. I met them in a park, then saw them in the hallway. Their name is... Lee Y/n. Yeah, Lee Y/n," Minji confessed, her voice carrying a hint of wonder.

Hyein's eyes widened, a revelation unfurling.

"Wait... wait, THEY'RE MY COUSIN?!!"

The realization sparked a ripple of astonishment, leaving the room alive with a renewed wave of laughter.


The room now buzzed with a medley of voices, each one a note in the chorus of friendship. Minji, ever the diplomat, called for a moment of respite.

"STOP! STOP! My ears!" she pleaded, hands pressed delicately against her ears.

The room heeded her plea, falling into a hushed lull.

"Finally," Minji sighed, relief painting her features.

She turned to Hyein, her eyes gleaming with gratitude.

"And Hyein, my soon-to-be sister-in-law, helps me get together with Y/n," she shared, her words laced with affection.

She cast Hyein a beseeching look, her eyes wide with innocence.

"I hate your puppy eyes so much. They make it so hard to say no," Hyein confessed, her tone a mix of exasperation and fondness.

Minji's victory dance was met with cheers and applause.




[Time Skipped]

The sun now painted long shadows across the landscape, its golden hues casting a warm glow.

You received an invitation from Hyein, an offer too heartfelt to decline.

Soon, you found yourself at her doorstep, a chorus of greetings ushering you in.

"So, Y/n, this is my best friend, Kim Minji. She's really kind, loving, hot, sexy, wife material," Hyein introduced, her words accompanied by a playful wink.

Minji, a touch shy but radiant, met your gaze with a soft smile.

"Oh," you murmured, the weight of the moment settling around you.

"So, marry her now!" Hyein declared, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Minji's cheeks tinted with a rosy hue, her gaze flitting between you and Hyein.

"I'm 18," you asserted, a gentle reminder of reality.

"And she's 19, don't worry. Hehe, perfect match!" Hyein proclaimed, her confidence unwavering.

"For being friends, then, okay," you agreed, extending your hand for a shake.

"Hi, I'm Lee Y/n."





( to be continued )

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