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Seven Days a Week - 14

- Third Person Pov -





As Minji gently guided you to a quiet corner in the library, she released your hand, catching you off guard. "M-minji?" you stammered, puzzled by her sudden change. "Why are you avoiding me?" Minji inquired, her tone frosty as she locked eyes with you. Unable to meet her gaze, you averted your eyes, and a weighted silence hung in the air.

"Y/n, talk to me... please... I promise I'll do my best to help you," Minji implored, her eyes conveying a profound sadness. "I can't... just give me space; it's what I need," you responded, attempting to walk away, but she held onto your hand with determination.

"You're not leaving without answering my questions. Don't you see how worried everyone is about you? Hyein is hurt, and I miss you the most—your presence. Why are you shutting us out?" Minji pressed, gripping your hand firmly.

"It's because I have to... and you know what... my... mother... is disappointed... in me... and I want to make... her proud... but... I can't figure out... why I'm failing... that's why... I decided to immerse myself in my studies... I'm sorry if you guys are hurt... but now, all I have is my studies," you explained, meeting Minji's gaze.

"Y/n, I get it... but don't exhaust yourself... if you need anything, come to me... not Kazuha, okay?" Minji urged, looking at you intently.

"Uh... alright," you replied as she offered a reassuring smile. "You better stick to that, because I'll be keeping a close watch," Minji declared with a smirk.

"Because I love you seven days a week," Minji silently conveyed in her thoughts.

- Your Pov -





As I was busy studying at my desk, I sighed and massaged my neck. Suddenly, my phone vibrated, and I stared at it.

"Huh, a message from K.MJ?" I thought as I grabbed my phone to see what Minji had messaged me.

"Should I message her back? Yes, or she'll be worried sick," I mumbled, the dim light of the room casting a soft glow on my desk as I contemplated my response

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"Should I message her back? Yes, or she'll be worried sick," I mumbled, the dim light of the room casting a soft glow on my desk as I contemplated my response. Slowly, I picked up my phone, the cool touch of the screen meeting my fingertips. My thoughts flowed into words as I began typing.

After sending Minji a reassuring message, I gently placed my phone on the desk and let out a sigh

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After sending Minji a reassuring message, I gently placed my phone on the desk and let out a sigh. The weight on my shoulders seemed momentarily lighter.

In the dimly lit room, I grabbed my coat, its fabric cool to the touch, and draped it over myself. Securing my phone in the pocket, I began my journey out of the room. The soft click of the door closing behind me echoed through the hallway.

As I descended the stairs, the familiar voice of my brother, Heeseung, reached my ears. "Y/n?" he called out. I turned to face him, his concerned eyes meeting mine. "Where are you going?" he inquired. "Outside," I replied calmly, and he nodded understandingly. "Okay, come home in time, okay?" he requested, and I nodded once more, continuing my way out into the night.

The streets were sparsely populated, bathed in the muted glow of streetlights. The absence of my mother, occupied with her business affairs, granted me the freedom to venture outside, a luxury I seldom experienced.

Amidst the tranquility of the night, a voice, both familiar and missed, called my name – "Lee Y/n?" I halted in my tracks, the recognition of that voice lingering in the quietude.

- Kim Minji Pov -





As I waited for Y/n in the park, the winter air nipping at me, I settled on the familiar bench, hands tucked into my pockets for warmth.

"Why hasn't Y/n arrived yet?" I pondered, exhaling a visible breath in the cold. "What if Y/n's mother forbade them from coming outside?" I mumbled, a disdainful scoff accompanying the thought. "Minji, just be patient; they'll show up," I reassured myself, idly shaking my legs to fend off the cold.

"It looks like it might snow soon," I noted, gazing up at the sky.

"Minji?" A voice interrupted my musings, and I looked up to see Y/n. "Y/n!?" I exclaimed, rising from the bench and quickly closing the distance between us. "Are you okay!?" I inquired, cupping their face. Their response was a slightly confused look and a blink. "Yeah, I am," Y/n replied with a small smile, taking my hand in theirs from their face. Instead of withdrawing, they surprisingly held onto my hand.

"Your hand is warm," Y/n observed. My response stumbled out, "T-thanks." Y/n chuckled, suggesting, "Let's walk, shall we?" I nodded, and they intertwined our hands in their pocket to share warmth.

"So, how have you been?" I asked, stealing glances at Y/n, who was gazing outside. "I've been good, and my mother left for a business trip for a month, so things have been better. Now, they're the best with you," Y/n shared, meeting my gaze. Blushing, I looked away. "Uh... thanks... mine too. It's always best with you," I admitted, feeling Y/n squeeze my hand under their pocket. "I'm glad," Y/n said with a smile, and I struggled not to melt under their gaze. "Aghh, I'm gonna melt if you keep looking at me like that!" I thought, consciously redirecting my focus.

"So how have the others been?" Y/n inquired as we strolled through the park. The night air carried a subtle chill, and our breaths created misty clouds that dissipated into the darkness.

"They're all doing well... just Hyein is still sulking that you didn't meet with her," I replied, glancing at Y/n, who nodded in understanding.

"I'll meet her tomorrow; tell her that for me, okay?" Y/n suggested with a slight smile, and I nodded, appreciating their willingness to mend relationships.

As we continued our nocturnal journey, the park seemed to embrace us with its quietude. The leaves rustled softly, and distant city sounds hummed in the background.

"You know what, Minji?" Y/n's voice cut through the serene atmosphere, capturing my attention. "Yeah?" I replied, my curiosity piqued.

"I missed you... very much. I don't know; being with you always gives me some kind of comfort that I can't explain," Y/n confessed, their eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. Blushing, I felt a warmth spread through me.

"I missed you too. No one can explain how much I missed you, and about you being with me, it's always been my favorite part," I admitted shyly, stealing glances at Y/n, who responded with a heartwarming smile.

"I like it when you're shy," Y/n giggled, releasing my hand and turning to face me. "You look like those cute bears," they teased, cupping my face with both hands and eliciting a smile from me.

"You always look cute... and Hyein says those things to me, like 'sexy,' 'hot,' 'wife material,' 'pretty,' etc.," Y/n continued, their gaze locked with mine. Their candidness made me blush even more.

"Y/n, do you want me to die?" I joked, attempting to lighten the atmosphere, but the sincerity in their eyes made my heart flutter.

( To be continued... )

A/n : Hey, fam! Hope you enjoyed the fluff in this chapter 🤧. Isn't it fascinating how 'SDAW's Minji and 'Someone Here's Minji are completely different, hmm? ? Yet, here I am, stuck thinking about that Yandere Minji... Ugh, gotta shut down that mental chatter!

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