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Seven Days a Week - 03





Third Person POV

The friends gathered, animatedly discussing the recent turn of events involving Y/n, Minji, and Hyein.

Y/n had extended the hand of friendship, a gesture that left Minji beaming.

"Bro just  friend zoned by her crush!" Hanni teased, playfully pointing at Minji, who responded with a playful pout.

"At least Y/n wants to be friends!" Hyein chimed in, her voice filled with optimism.

Dani, ever perceptive, picked up on a potential ship in the making. "Seems like you're starting to ship them or something," she noted with a smile.

"Yeah... Kinda, but Y/n seems hard to get," Hyein confessed, a playful glint in her eyes. "But I am Kim Minji," Minji said, a smirk playing on her lips.





[Time Skipped]

A message notification disrupted your thoughts, coming from an unknown number. The sender claimed to be Minji.

"Oh, that girl," you mumbled to yourself.

Her message inquired about your availability.

"No, I am not," was your reply.

But then, why were you ignoring her? You couldn't quite put your finger on it.

"It's okay," she reassured you.

You responded with a simple "okay."

Determined to clear your head, you slipped on your jacket and ventured outside, seeking solace in the crisp air and solitude.

As you settled into the same spot as before, someone unexpectedly tapped your shoulder. You turned, meeting the gaze of that girl.

"Hi Y/n," she greeted.

"Hi Minji," you reciprocated.

She asked if she could join you, and though you were inwardly uncertain, you replied, "Yes, sure." Why had you told her you weren't available? The thought flitted through your mind, unanswerable.

"Yeah, just kidding," she chimed in with a playful laugh. "Like you'd be sitting here thinking about me." She teased, tilting her head in mock curiosity.

You were taken aback by her boldness.

Throughout her monologue, you remained a captive audience, hanging on her every word.

"So, Y/n, anyone you're interested in?" she abruptly inquired, catching you off guard.

You shook your head, surprised by the question.

"You? Interested in anyone?" you countered.

"Yeah, actually!" She confessed with a grin. "But it's a secret. Don't you want to know who?" She pouted, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"You tell me," you countered.

"Yeah, just making sure. It's a bit too sweet and hot to handle, isn't it?" Minji mused, her tone suggesting a touch of self-deprecation.

"And you?" she asked, steering the conversation back to you.

"Are you available this weekend?" she pressed on.

"Yes," you replied, almost instinctively.

Why had you said yes? You were supposed to say no.

You contemplated this as Minji's smile broadened.

"That means we can... we can hang out. Go on a date together," she proposed.

"Sounds good. Let's invite Hyein and her friends too," you suggested, feeling a sense of belonging settle in.






(To be continued)

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