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Seven Days A Week-10

- Third Person Pov -






The school hallway echoed with laughter and chatter as you walked, and amidst the bustling ambiance, a familiar voice cut through, "hey, idiot!"

You turned to find Lee Hyein, your younger cousin, walking beside you.

"Hey, hey," you responded with a calm smile, meeting her gaze.

Hyein immediately launched into a playful whine, "You hung out with Minji unnie and Cookie yesterday and didn't even tell me! I really miss Cookie, you know! Aghh, how could you!"

You chuckled, finding her antics endearing, "Okay, come to my house today after school."

"And since it's Minji unnie, that's why I forgave you!" Hyein declared, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she smiled.

"See you later, idiot!" With that, she darted off to her class, leaving you with a fond smile.

"What a playful kid," you thought as you continued walking to your class.

[Time Skipped]

The cafe after school buzzed with the lively energy of Minji and her friends.

Laughter and conversations filled the air, but there was an undeniable void in Minji's playful banter—your absence.

"Without Y/n, everything feels so boring!" Minji expressed, her words echoing with a genuine yearning.

It earned her a side-eye from Hanni, who couldn't resist a witty remark.

"Y/n doesn't even talk that much, and all you do is stare at them while they listen to us talking," Hanni pointed out, triggering laughter from the group.

"But really, I miss my Y/n," Minji pouted, her thoughts drifting to you.

"Ayyy, my Y/n?!" Haerin teased, raising an eyebrow playfully.

Minji, however, nodded with a determined smile.

"Yes, my Y/n. Only Kim Minji's Y/n," she asserted, a glint of possessiveness in her tone.

"God, I think Minji's on her yandere era?!" Hyein joked, lightening the mood and eliciting laughter.

"But it kinda sounds scary," Dani remarked, the group chuckling at the playful exaggeration.

"I'm always here to protect you, my Dani!" Haerin declared with a dramatic flourish, earning a side-eye from Hanni.

"You're already giving off those yandere vibes," Hanni quipped, prompting Haerin to pout playfully.

"I just love my Dani," Haerin confessed, receiving a gentle pat on the head from Dani, who blushed slightly.

Hanni couldn't resist adding her own humor to the mix.

"How am I living with these gays!" Hanni sighed, shaking her head in mock exasperation.

"Look who's talking!" Hyein retorted, sparking another round of laughter.

As the playful banter continued, Minji's thoughts drifted back to you.

In a moment of quiet reflection, she confessed softly to herself, "Sigh* Y/n... I love you so much."

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