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Seven Days A week- 11

- Third Person Pov -




As you entered the park and called out to Minji, her gaze lifted, and she spotted you.

However, the joy on her face quickly shifted when she noticed the person beside you.

"Nakamura Kazuha?" Minji mumbled under her breath, her mood taking a sharp downturn.

"What is she doing with my Y/n?" Jealousy surged within Minji, evident in the furrow of her brows.

"Hey, Minji..." You greeted her again as you approached, Kazuha at your side.

"Hey, Y/n... And Kazuha Sunbae..." Minji responded with a forced smile, accompanied by a simple wave.

"Hey, Minji. So, you're the person Y/n was telling me they were going to meet?" Kazuha inquired, a smile gracing her face.

Minji raised her eyebrows, offering a nod in acknowledgment.

"But how did you two become friends? I know Y/n usually likes to be alone," Kazuha continued, her gaze shifting towards you.

"This is none of your business." Minji's jealousy intensified as she observed how Kazuha looked at you.

"We met in this park and got introduced by my cousin Hyein," you explained calmly, maintaining your composure.

"Oh, is that so?" Kazuha mumbled, receiving a nod from you.

"So, you guys are just friends?" She directed her question at Minji.

"No. We are a married couple!" Minji's internal thoughts betrayed her true feelings.

"Uh... yes," you responded, nodding in agreement.

"Well, good to hear," Kazuha said with a smirk.

"Wait a damn minute...!" Minji's mind raced as she regarded Kazuha with suspicious eyes.

"Is she thinking of taking Y/n away from me!?"

As you and Minji walked side by side after the hangout with Kazuha, the air carried a subtle tension.

Minji, wearing an adorable pout, couldn't conceal her lingering jealousy from the encounter.

Noticing her silence, you glanced at Minji and couldn't help but smile at her irresistible expression.

"Are you okay, Minji?" you asked, breaking the silence that hung between you two.

"Ah...uh...ah," Minji struggled to find her words, her thoughts tangled in the web of her emotions.

"Are you angry because I brought Kazuha Sunbae along without your permission for the hangout?" you playfully inquired, observing Minji's adorable reaction.

"I would not if she didn't flirt with you," Minji admitted silently, her inner thoughts revealing a hint of possessiveness.

"No worries, she can hang out with us..." Minji said, attempting to conceal the intensity of her emotions.

"If you say so... By the way, can I poke your cheek?" you suddenly asked, prompting a surprised expression from Minji.

"I didn't know why I can't help myself but want to poke your adorable face," you confessed with a warm smile.

"Uh...ehm...I usually hate that when someone pokes my cheek..." Minji mumbled, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush.

"Oh, okay then... sorry for asking," you responded, appearing a bit disheartened.

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