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Seven Days a Week - 13

- Third Person Pov -





After the incident, a heavy cloud of isolation surrounded you, causing you to distance yourself from everyone, even Hyein and others who cared about you.

Minji found herself perplexed by your sudden change in behavior. She couldn't help but wonder, "What could have happened to you?" The concern for you lingered in her thoughts.

Your focus shifted entirely to your studies, and you began to withdraw from social activities, including hangouts that were once a source of joy. It was evident that you were sacrificing the things you loved for the sake of your academic pursuits.

However, deep down, you were aware that this intense pressure you put on yourself wasn't healthy. The relentless pursuit of academic success took a toll on your well-being.

Yet, you felt compelled to continue, driven by a sense of duty towards your mother. The weight of expectations and cultural nuances played a significant role, echoing the challenges many face in the face of parental expectations, a sentiment the author understood well, having experienced it personally. (🥲✌️)

- Kim Minji Pov -





After that day, Y/n maintained a noticeable distance from all of us, including Hyein.

As I observed Y/n's behavior, a growing concern nestled itself in the depths of my thoughts.

"Hye, what could have happened to Lee Y/n?" Hanni inquired during our lunch break in the cafeteria.

"Uh... I don't know, unnie... I'm curious as well," Hyein responded, her mood dampened after Y/n once again ignored her.

"But seriously, why the heck did they start ignoring us all of a sudden?" Haerin chimed in, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes.

"Hae, don't talk about them like that. Maybe Y/n is dealing with a personal problem or something," Dani suggested, catching my attention.

"Did something happen to Y/n personally?" I wondered. Hyein then shared, "Maybe something like that. To be honest, my aunt—don't call me rude, but she's just a bitch—never thought about her child; she only cared about the reputation they held."

What...? Something happened to Y/n with their mother?

"She even punished Y/n for not being the top in tests. That's why Y/n always went to the library to study and secure the coveted first place," Hyein added, sighing as she took a sip from her juice.

"Guys!" Dani interrupted suddenly, grabbing everyone's attention.

"A few days ago, our test results were out, and..." she paused, sighing deeply. "And Y/n wasn't the top... this time," she revealed, triggering a frustrated slam from Hyein against the table.

"So something happened with Aunt and Y/n," she continued, rolling her eyes.

"I really hate her!" Hyein expressed her frustration.

"So... that day something happened with Y/n and their mother," I mused with a sigh.

"So what could Mrs. Lee have told Y/n that made them stop hanging out with us and even give up other activities, focusing solely on studying in a corner of the library?" Hanni pondered, voicing the questions circulating my own thoughts.

Looking at Hyein, who seemed to have some insights, I felt a deep concern growing within me.

"Ehm, Aunt, or should I say, the bitch, is really tough when it comes to her children's test results. If it doesn't go the way she wants, she transforms into a monster. She's always preoccupied with her business and money. She's not like those normal moms who responsibly spend time with their child; she only cares about money and more money. That's how she divorced her husband! I am genuinely concerned about Y/nnie!" Hyein shared, sighing as she held her temple, her worry etched across her face.

- Your Pov -





In the tranquil space of the library, I was fully engrossed in my studies. Scribbling down notes and immersing myself in books, my focus was unbroken until a tap on my shoulder interrupted the solitude. I sighed, acknowledging the disturbance, and looked up to meet the gaze of the person responsible.

"Hey, Y/n!" she greeted, taking a seat beside me.

"Hi," I responded, my attention returning to my tasks.

She tapped my shoulder once more, expressing concern. "Y/n, you know you're studying too much; it's not good for your health," she warned, her eyes fixed on me.

"Kazuha Sunbaenim, it's fine... I am fine," I reassured, but she sighed, not entirely convinced.

"How can you be fine? Your face even seems like you didn't have proper sleep! You know it isn't good for you!" She persisted, her concern evident.

"I know, but I have to do it... you know why," I explained, and she shook her head, understanding the pressure.

"Y/n, neglecting the basics could lead to some seriously unfortunate consequences, and trust me, I'm not signing up for that drama!" Kazuha warned, her hand providing a reassuring weight on my shoulder.

"Please take care of yourself," she implored, and I couldn't help but blush at the genuine care she showed.

"Uh... I will," I mumbled, looking away. Kazuha giggled at my shy response.

"You're cute, haha," she complimented, deepening my blush.

"Ehm, I-I have to find a book! I will be back in a bit!" I stammered, hastily getting up and walking away.

Leaving Kazuha's company, I sought refuge in a secluded corner of the library. As I sighed, gazing up in contemplation, I suddenly found myself interrupted.

"Y/n?" Minji's voice cut through the air, and I turned to see her approaching with a determined look.

"I'll talk to you later," I attempted to excuse myself, but she caught my arm.

"No... I want to talk to you... right now!" Minji insisted coldly, leading me into a more private corner of the library.

A/n : Yo, fam! Just dropped another Kim Minji's book a day back. Check it out if you're up for it!

 Check it out if you're up for it!

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