𝐈. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝

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     I'm Freya Maeve Grey, but most people call me rea, I'm fourteen and live in the San Fernando valley

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     I'm Freya Maeve Grey, but most people call me rea, I'm fourteen and live in the San Fernando valley. I have lived here pretty much my whole life with my mother and father, though my father isn't around much. He is usually off out of the country working and my mother is not much better. Yeah she is here but she is mostly in her office working, the only time I really see her is if I get anything lower than 'A' at school.

    But, it's okay because I have friends and I'm not lonely, I do ballet and it's probably my favorite thing in the world besides my best friend in the whole wide world. Audrey Miller, she is a fun and gorgeous blonde who is just about the opposite of me, she is outgoing and would stand out in a crowd of a million. We have been friends since 3rd grade and we are in 8th grade now, It's crazy to think we have been friends for 5 years though it feels i have know her my whole life.

     I was walking home from ballet practice because my mother couldn't pick me up because she had a meeting. I saw a ball roll across the road beside me, I looked to the side where the ball came from and I saw a tan boy running my way and I had to admit he was kind of cute. He looked familiar but I felt like this was the first time I had really seen his face. I picked up the ball and walked across the street to hand it to him, but I was about to walk away then he said "Thanks. hey, are you new to the neighborhood?" I looked back around at him, looking up because he was a couple inches taller than me and said "Yeah, I live down that way" pointing down the road, the way I was originally going.

    "Oh the hillside, that's where the rich people live" I just rolled my eyes, making him laugh "The names Benny, but most people call me the jet" He said winking, which made me the one laughing. "My names Freya" I see past Benny and see about eight guys clearly waiting for him, he looks at what I was looking at and see his friends. He looks visibly annoyed then he looks back to me and says "Well I gotta go but I'll see you around" gesturing to his friends as he says it. "Yeah I've got to go too, see you" I replied and as I start walking home I hear him start quietly yelling at his friends, making me giggle a little as I walked home.

一一Benny's Pov一一

       I was playing baseball, my favorite sport in the world and it's honestly my whole life. I hit a ball out passed the fence and ran that way to go get it. When I passed though the fence I saw a shorter girl with medium length brunette hair, olive skin and deep brown eyes. She had what looked like athletic clothes on and a pretty big bag on her arm. But, either way I had to admit she was breathtaking.

      She picked up the ball and walked across the street, looking both ways then handing me the ball. "Thanks." She was about to walk away when I quickly said "Hey, are you new to the neighborhood?" She turned around and that's when I got a really good look at her, she had a light pink dusting on her cheeks and a freckles on her face that I could only see because the sun was beating down on us. She was stunning, the way her hair fell around she shoulders and it looked as if she had just taken it down from a bun. Her delicate features complementing her gorgeous figure, a faint scent of a floral perfume lingering on her.

     Her words pulled me out of this trace I seemed to be in by her, "Yeah, I live down that way" she then continued to point down the street. Trying to be funny I said "Oh the hillside, where the rich people live" she rolled her eyes with a little laugh. Her laugh was alluring and it made me want to hear it more, but to play off the light staring with a laugh. "The names Benny, but most people call me the jet" I said winking trying to flirt a little, seeing more pink appear on her cheek made me realize I was successful. "My names Freya" she started looking passed and I already knew who was standing behind me, I rolled my eyes annoyed at them for breaking up the 'moment'. "Well I got to go but I'll see you around and it was nice meeting you" I say gesturing to my friends when is said the first part. "Yeah I've got to go too, see you" she said with a little smile as she walked away

      "Wow guys you couldn't wait another ten seconds for me to get the ball" I say which got me a lot of mixed reactions mostly "Well you were taking to long" and "Ooohh does wittle Benny Wenny boo have a crush". Either way all of the comments made me even more annoyed, but the one thing in my mind that was consuming all my thoughts was that fascinating brunette girl, Freya.

一一Freya's Pov一一

I put in my headphones and listened to some music on my phone for the rest of the walk, lightly humming the tune. We I made it home I saw my mom's car wasn't here so I grabbed out my key and unlocked the door, walking inside. I saw my little papillon puppy running up to me. I quickly sat my stuff down and ran to her getting on the ground. "Hi Sadie" I said in a baby voice, as I talked she got more and more excited. She started to jump around and it was the cutest thing I had ever seen. I got up from her and walked into the kitchen to grab to treat for her, and put in her mouth saying "here baby" in the same voice as before.

I made myself some dinner and eating while scrolling on my phone, when I was done eating I washed my plate and walked up to my room. I got out some comfy pj's and went to take a shower. I took a decently long shower to wash off the sweat and grime from school and ballet, I'm so glad It is Friday. I got out dried my hair and put on my pj's, I slipped into my bed feeling the relief of my soft blankets. I went on my phone for a little bit, then fell asleep.

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