𝐗𝐥. 𝐀 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐧 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐀 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐦 𝐑𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧

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       "What" I say not believing them, "Yes your dad got an amazing promotion in London" My mothers says happily. "But, my whole life is here" I say letting my mind wander back to Benny, "Well, you'll make new friends and this will be good for us" My dad says to reconcile, I don't know what to say how could they just uproot me and take me all the way to London without even asking me. "we'll leave on Tuesday next week so start packing" My mother says excitedly clearly not seeing my look of disdain.

         The days fly by I went to school Monday to say goodbye and I think I cried myself out with Audrey, I kept stealing glances at Benny but he never seemed to return the glances. There was one thing I could never bring myself to do. Tell Benny. He seemed so happy without me and that's what hurt the most. I packed all my stuff up and walked into my bare room looking at the empty walls reminded me of the exact way I felt, cold, sad, and empty. These last few day have been mostly me crying by my self or with Audrey by my side.

       Me and parents but the last few boxes in the truck and my dad pulled the the big door of the U-Haul truck down and locked it. I turn and see Audrey running up the side walk towards me, I ran into her arms and we stayed like that holding each other sobbing. We held each other till I heard a honk from the car I turned and saw my parent waiting for me in the car. I turn back to Audrey with tears still gushing out of my eyes "Don't forget me" I say sniffling my tears back to talk "never. just don't forget my while your hanging out with all the cool London girls" She says, I laugh through the tears "Never ever" I pull in for another hug and when I pull away I say "i love you and i'll call you every day" I says "I love you too and I'll update you on all the drama." I pull her in for one last hug and I run to my car, waving towards her as we drove to the airport.

──𝟑 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫──

        It has been three years since I packed my stuff and moved to London, I'm 17 now and I'm on a plane to surprise Audrey, we kept in touch through the years but I haven't seen her since the summer and I'm going to spend some of my Christmas break with her family. Thinking of all the things we are gonna do and all the people I want to see but, there is one person that came to mind and it was Benny. I wonder what he looks like now and how he is, but, either way he probably has a girlfriend and he definitely would not want to see me after our last encounter even if it was 3 years ago.

       When the plane landed I got my suitcase and call a uber to get to her house, I text Audrey Mother that I'm on my way and she replied with a smiley face emoji. "Thank You" I say to the woman driving "Mhm" she says back. I hop out of the car and tug my jacket closer to me feeling how cold it was outside. I walk to the back of the car and grab out my bag, I shut the trunk of the car and walk up to the door and ring the door bell. I see my best friend open the door with a confused face that fizzles out upon seeing me.

      Before I can even do my little bit I'm pulled into a hug, "What are you doing here? I thought you said you couldn't make it till the spring?" She says still holding me, "Surprise" I say and she pulls away and inside. She grabs my suit case for me and I fell the heat of her house thaw me out and I run and hug Roman, who was 11 now and  Aurora, who was 8, saying "I think I missed you guys more then I missed Audrey." they giggle and run back to what they were doing "Rude" Audrey says jokingly, "Hi Sweetheart" Audrey's mom, Clair said to me before kissing me on the head, "How was your trip?" Audrey's dad, James, says, "Good, thank you both again" I say smiling at the two "You know you are always welcome here hun'" Clair says smiling at me.

      Audrey and me run upstairs together to her room, when we reach her room she shuts the door and says "Okay so updates?" I roll my eyes a little, "Well still no cute guys and Grace is doing well but enough about my boring life. How are you and Nolan?" I say to her, still surprised that they were still together "He's good and we are still going strong" She says smiling while thinking of her boyfriend. "I'm surprised that you guys have lasted so long" I say honestly, "So am I" she says and we laugh until she continues "That reminds me, now that you are home maybe you could talk to Benny again, I'm sure he'd really appreciate it." Now that I think about I did leave with no explanation and I never really tried texting him, "I don't know, I'm sure he has a girlfriend and doesn't want to talk to me anyway" I say, "No actually he hasn't dated anyone since you left, sounds like fate if you ask me" she says smirking over at me. "Whatever" I say rolling my eyes though it does make me think, was he waiting for me or did he just not find any interest in anyone else. 

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