𝐈𝐕. 𝐇𝐞'𝐬 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭

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       This week felt so long, my psycho mom took away my phone and I was only allowed to go to school, ballet and back home

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This week felt so long, my psycho mom took away my phone and I was only allowed to go to school, ballet and back home. My mom said I was never to talk to Benny again, she said she didn't want me to be around a 'boy like that'. It made me even more mad, I'm 15 she doesn't need to monitor who I talk to at all times. I only saw Benny at school but I couldn't really talk to him.

But he was understanding seeing the way my mom blew up at me and that was nice. Audrey was used to stuff like this happening because of how often it did. She was the only reason I wasn't bored and alone all day. She hasn't told me who she likes and I'm so curious it's been clawing at me, but either way I have my suspicions and I'll get her to tell me eventually.

"Miss Grey" my ELA teacher said and I looked up at her and said "yes?" She looked a little annoyed but repeated "pleas find a partner for the project" I honestly had no clue what she was talking about but still said "ohh right." I looked to my right and then realized that Audrey wasn't in this class because it was seventh period. I looked around for someone I knew and locked eye with Benny, he seemed to be asking if I wanted to be partners but with his eyes. I got up to him and said "do you want to be partners?"

"Sure" he said, "okay but what are we doing because I wasn't listening." He laughed and looked up and down in a nonchalant manner. "We have to pick a book to read, then write a report on it" He said repeating what our teacher had said "but, you can't read" I said jokingly, he simply rolled his eyes , shaking his head. We sat down at our desks and started brainstorming ideas.

The bell rang and we started to pack up our stuff, we ultimately decided on Pride and Prejudice because it was a classic and neither of us had read it yet. I walked out of the class with Benny and we kept talking about the project. "Do you want too come over to my house so we can start reading to book" I preposed, "yeah but I gotta go to my house first to drop off my stuff" he said "k, meet me at the park and we can walk to my house" I said and be went out separate ways.

      I dropped my back pack off at my house and walked to the park. I looked up and saw Benny walking toward me, he seemed to have a book in his hand. When he looked up that's when he finally saw me, he ran up to me and I turned around to walk back the way I came. "Hey" he said, as we walked, "hi" I replied with a smile. The walk was decently quiet but it wasn't awkward and I was grateful for it. "Okay" I said taking a small breathe and he looked at me, "race ya, three two one go!" I said quickly and I honestly don't know if he heard me, but I took off running down the street.

      I could hear heavier footsteps behind me and I knew he was gaining on me. I quickly ran through the door of my house, it still be unlocked from being there a couple minutes ago. I bent over, trying to make out a breath while Benny was doing the same though he was standing straight. When I got up I yelled "I win" he looked over at me and said "shut up." I smirked slightly coming up with a way to mess with him "wow I beat 'The Jet'" I said, he looked at me with a straight face and push me.

        It wasn't that hard but clearly he didn't realize how hard he pushed me, I fell on the couch and he looked really concerned. When the initial shock washed away I simply started to laugh and that confirmed to Benny that I wasn't actually hurt. I saw Sadie barking at Benny, he kneeled down and started scratching behind her ears. "Come on" I said waving him over to the stairs and leading him to my room. He looked a little scared and his head was on a swivel, "Don't worry the wicked witch of the West isn't here" I say, he quickly turns back looking me in the eye "oh okay" he said. "Though I wouldn't bring you here if she was" I said trying to ease his clear nerves a couple seconds ago. "If you did, she'd never know I was here" he said in a somewhat flirty voice and with a wink. We made it to my room, I sat on my bed and he sat in my desk chair. I opened my book and started to read, though there isn't much talking it's nice. This is nice.

        I checked my watch and saw that it was '4:48' my mother was home at '5:00' and Benny needs to get the hell out of here. "Hey so my mother will be home in about 12 minuets so you need to go." I said with a sense of urgency, "Oh okay" he started a little surprised "so I'll see you tomorrow?" he finished "yeah, see you." He stepped out of my room than walked back and said. "Hey let me get your number" there was a pause then he quickly finished with " so we can give updates on our books " I got up from my bed and said "sure." We exchanged number and then he walked, well more sprinted down the stairs and out the door and I sighed with 8 minuets still on the clock.

      The rest of my day was the same as the last, and very boring. On the brighter side my mother never figured out that Benny was here, so I get to keep my head. I honestly missed Benny and all the energy he brings, I wished my stupid mother would realize that he is just like any other boy I hang out with. Though I don't really talk to other boys and Benny is definitely different from the ones he hangs around, ugh nevermind.

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