𝐈𝐈𝐈. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤

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             I took a short shower and put on grey sweatpants and a white tank top, I made sure my mom was asleep and I tip toed past her room trying to make as little as sound possible

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I took a short shower and put on grey sweatpants and a white tank top, I made sure my mom was asleep and I tip toed past her room trying to make as little as sound possible. I walked down stairs, put on my converse and opened the back door and slowly shut the door. I walked to the side of the house and through the gate, I walked down the street, past Audrey's house. I live in this big neighborhood with a bunch of different houses and I live on the as Benny calls it the 'hill side'. The thought of it makes me roll my eyes, But in the middle of neighborhood there is a big park there is a small playground but most people just go there to hang out.

I was just about there when I felt a small chill run down my spine, that made me realize that I didn't bring a jacket with me. A little part of me hoped that Benny would realize and give me his jacket but then I remembered my life wasn't some cheesy rom-com. I made it to the park at 11:22p.m. and saw Benny sitting on the swings. Him compared to the swings just looked ridiculous, this made me laugh which clearly got his attention. "what?" he said acting all confused as he actually started to swing, I suppressed my laughter and said "Nothing, nothing" with a sort of straight face.

He stooped swinging and I quickly said "no, no, keep going" really wanting to get it on video. Thankfully he kept going, "are you recording me?" he asked when he say my phone, I suddenly threw my phone off to the side on the soft grass and shrugged it off "no. That is an invasion of your privacy." I said all serious, and he definitely believed it. "Soo," I said moving on from the topic "why did you want me to come to the park this late at night" I asked, "I wanted to be alone" I was glad it was dark or he would have seen the bright pink hue spreading across of my face. "really?" I said, hoping that there was more to it and that it wasn't just that. "Well I wanted to get to know you, we don't really talk to each other and I just can't get you out of my head" He said and at this point I was beet red. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked, "A good thing, I think" I let a light laugh slip from my lips and said "You think?" he looks down into my eyes and said "I know."

"Well, what do you want to know" I ask, still red as a tomato. "What do you want to me to know?" he said with an inquisitive face, I thought for a second and then said "Well, I was born in Utah, on May 18th, 2008" he than said "Oh so I'm older than you, my birthday is March 28th" I pushed him a little, rolling my eyes and scoffing. I continued  "Anyways, I moved here the summer before third grade and that's when I became friends with Audrey. After elementary school my mom sent me to a private school because it would 'help' me" I put air quotes around the help part because they didn't really do anything. "And now I go to our school" I finished, "yeah I know stuff like that but, I want to know you" He says this with an emphasis on the you.

"There's not much to me. I do ballet" he cut me off saying "WHAT. you do ballet that is like one of my favorite sports. it's pretty but not as pretty as you of course" I wasn't expecting the loud 'What' and it scared me honestly, especially with that much enthusiasm. He also sounded a little sarcastic when say it. "and I like to read" he looked shocked again, "REALLY. what's your favorite book" he said still sounding sarcastic. I had to think for a second but decided on "little woman" he than shouted and put him arms up " NO WAY. that's my favorite book too" Laughing I quickly said "shhhh" I pulled his arms down and held one as we started to walk around the park.

He looked down at my outfit and realized I had goosebumps all over my body, "God, you must be freezing " he quickly said, he took off his jacket and said "here" handing it to "no I'm fine you keep your jacket" I said not wanting him to be cold. "Take it." He said not taking no for an answer. I reluctantly took it, pulling my arms into the jacket that almost swallowed me whole. I  immediately felt the warmth and was thankful that Benny had gave it up. For some extra warmth I cling to Benny's arm resting my head slightly on his shoulder as we walked.

"Wait, wait you can read?" I whispered teasingly "Of course I can read" he said at a normal volume which was still kind of loud but at this point I didn't really care at this point. "Well what about you, I want to know You too" I said pointing out the way he said 'you' the first time he said it. "Well, I love baseball and hanging out with my friends. I like reading and I know how to read" He said mocking me in a way while I just smile to myself, but he continued "And I like y-" he was cut off by the sound of my mother's voice "FREYA MAEVE GREY".

I quickly got off his arm, ran back to grab my phone and said a quick "bye Benny" to him with a smile before I turned to my mother and walked over to her. She started be raiding me with questions but the first one she asked was "WHO WAS THAT BOY" I looked at her and in a calmer voice said "Mom, it's okay he's just a friend" she looked even more mad "And that's why you were clinging to him" I rolled my eyes under my eye lids in a hope to not make her madder. "I was clinging to him" she just squinted her eyes at me knowing she was right "Not to mention you snuck out on a school night" she said, rage building again.

"Why do you even care you are never here anyways, it's always work, work, oh another meeting, what's the point" I say starting to get mad "How dare you speak to me like that! I am your mother!" she yelled back, "Well you sure as hell don't act like one" I ran home as fast as I can and I heard her yelling in the distance "young lady you get back here now, you're grounded for a month, You hear me!" I was too far away to really hear her but I didn't care. I feel onto my bed a few tears springing from my eyes I slip under my blankets and fall asleep Benny's jacket feeling like a warm hug from that same boy.

𝐓𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐄 ║𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐳Where stories live. Discover now