𝐈𝐗. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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      The next week on Monday, I walked into school and see a bunch if people crowded around someone. So, naturally, when i see my best friend at her locker and run up to her. "What's going on over there?" I ask slowing down  when I get to her "must be a new kid, I heard he is pretty cute" Audrey says closing her locker with a loud BANG  "aren't you still dating Nolan?" I say questioning her words. "Yes that's just what everyone was saying" she says putting her hands up in defense. We walk to our first class of the day, art.

     I love my art teacher, she was a relaxed woman who reminded me of professor Trelawney from Harry Potter, just not as crazy. I don't think I have every seen her in tight clothes. But, don't get me wrong she was amazing at her job and actually taught us. We walked into her class and to our table setting down our stuff and sitting down.

      I get up before class and walk over to Benny's table "Hey" I say "Hi" he replies turning away from Nolan. Who upon seeing me practically sprints over to me and Audrey's desk to see his girlfriend. We watch as he runs off and then turn back to each other. Before either of us can say other word we see a crowd come in the room mostly the football jocks and desperate girls. I see Benny roll his eyes "It's crazy that he here for two seconds and he has everyone wrapped around his finger" He says annoyed, "Sounds like some ones jealous" I say teasingly, he looks at me offended and shocked "What's there to be jealous of?" he says more annoyed by my comment.

      Just to mess with him. I get and start walking over to where the new kid is sitting. "What are you doing?" Benny askes confused "I'm gonna introduce myself" i say nonchalantly turning to face him. I saw Benny clench his teeth as I turn around to continue to walk over to the new kids desk. When I get to his desk I say "Hi, so you're the new kid?" He turns to me and looks me up and down before saying "What gave it away" he says. "Maybe the mob of people surrounding you in the halls" I say in a joking tone. "Oh yeah" he says looking down, laughing, "I'm Chase" he says. "I'm Freya" I reply sticking out my hand for him to shake, which he takes.

      We can't continue any because we see our art teacher, Ms. Reid walk in the class. I run back to my seat so I wouldn't get in any trouble. She walks to the front of the class and starts talking about Van Gogh and his incredible career.

      After four more long class periods its finally lunch, me and Audrey meet back up at our lockers after Math and we go sit by the baseball field in the grass so we can watch our boys play.  We sit and eat our lunch watching a bunch of rounds, when finally Benny was up to bat, I cheer louder than I have been for the other sandlot boy but I also hear another loud squeal that sounds like a pig giving birth come from the other side of the field.

     I look in the direction of the horrid sound and see Lola Clark, a blonde girl who honestly thinks everyone is in love with her. She is the definition of rich, dumb, and blonde, she is one of the most popular girls here and I really don't know why. She is rude and conceited yet, mostly everyone loved her. She her send a fake smile my way that I return in the same fake way. She and everyone knows me and Benny are a thing. And she definitely knows it will stir up some drama.

       Suddenly, from the corner of my eye, I see someone sit down next to me. I turn my head to see it was Chase. "Oh, hey new kid" I say to him "Hey Freya" he says. "So, how your day been so far?" I ask, "It's been okay" he replies "strike one" I hear a kid from the other team shout. I turn to back to the game and see that Benny missed the ball, which hasn't happened since like second grade according to Nolan. I look up to Benny's face and he looked super mad, like his head could explode at any moment.

       "That's weird" I say under my breath, "why, that's usually pretty normal" Chase says, to the comment I made under my breath. "Not for Benny apparently nobody could get a strike on him since second grade" I say confused on why he wasn't being his usual 'best  player on the field' self. "Really? I don't know maybe he lost his touch or something?" Chase says, "Yeah maybe" I say, I mean it makes sense, everyone makes mistakes every once and a while.

       "But hey, I'm sure The Jet was just a little distracted" He says, "yeah he is probably fine" I say reassuring myself. "Whatever is going on i'm sure he'll tell you later" Chase says putting a hand on my shoulder, I put my hand over his and say "Yeah, your right." That's when I hear "Strike two" from the 'ref' "Come on Benny" I mumble.

━━ 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝-𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ━━

       Little did Freya know that Chase was behind her making all kinds of different suggestive gestures at Freya to piss off Benny and boy, was it working. Through out the day when Chase got the chance to he'd talk about Freya. But, mostly how hot and stunning she was and this made Benny's blood boil, he wanted to punch Chase in the face for speaking about Freya that way. But, it didn't help that he seemed to be nice to her and act nothing like his usual self. He would even go as far as to say to Benny "so is that girl Freya, your bitch or something?" Benny hated the way he talked about girls, especially when he was talking about his Freya. Groans or cheer filled the some crowd that accumulated when we all heard "Strike Three." 

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