𝐕𝐈𝐈. 𝐀 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤

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        Me and Benny had spent the night going on different rides, playing games, and mostly talking

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        Me and Benny had spent the night going on different rides, playing games, and mostly talking. The fair was about to close so when all met back up at the entrance of the park. When everyone got to there we made our way back to our big neighborhood. The walk wasn't too long and at some point it was just me, Benny, Audrey, and Nolan.

      We had made it to Nolan's house and he started walking up the sidewalk. "Bye guys" he said, looking mostly at Audrey, I looked at Nolan as he walked inside then I quickly snapped back to Audrey. "What was that all about" I quietly yelled, she smiled and said "what" trying to not be obvious. "you and Nolan, huh?" I asked trying to get an answer out of her, "Oh nothing, nothing" she giggled "Whatever you say, Aud." We continued walking I was walking in the middle with Benny on my left and Audrey on my right.

    We had made it back to Audrey's house, Benny walking us to the front door "Good night Benny" we both said walking inside when I heard "Frea" I turned to see Benny looking into my eyes. I walk back out the door and he says "Do you want to go on a walk with me?" his deep auburn eyes seemed to glitter with the hope that I'd accept this offer and that's what I did "sure" I said maintaining the eye contact. He turned and walked down the drive way and continued the way we were going.

    "I had a lot of fun tonight" He said, and I smile recalling our time at the fair. "I did too" I said and I saw a smile rise on his face too. "We should do something like that again" I proposed, "yeah, we should" he said. "How about" he started and I turned to look at him still walking. "I take you out Friday" he finished, "that's sounds fun" I replied. He smiled and we both came to a stop, "so Friday?" he asked, marking the date in his head. "Friday." I stated, I felt my self lean in as he did the same. Our faces were about an inch away when suddenly,




      It was my phone I rolled my eyes, of course someone calls me right now I thought. I picked up my phone, It was Audrey weird she doesn't usually call she just texted. "Oh my god, where are you rea it's almost 11" I quickly checked my phone and it was '10: 48' "Oh shit, your right. Umm okay we were actually on our way back right now" I said into the phone gesturing from Benny to start walking back to Audrey's house. "My parents are starting to get suspicion so hurry and don't come through the front door." Audrey said, "Okay we are almost there, I'll see you in a couple minutes" I said a little panicked.

     If Audrey's parents figure out that I was walking around outside at 11 nevertheless with a boy again, they would defiantly tell my mother and then I'd be grounded for the rest of the year. She hung up but not before saying "Okay but hurry". I put my phone in my pocket and started to speed walk to Audrey's house.

     Benny  trying to catch up but each time I'd just keep walking, he finally caught up to me and he looked tired. I saw Audrey's house and I felt very relieved, I slowed down a little and I grabbed Benny hand and dragged him to the side of the house. I knocked on the window lightly and Audrey opened it, "Finally." Audrey's house was only one story so I could get in with ease. I jumped into the window and said "Bye Benny, see you Friday" I kissed his cheek, "see you" he said his face really red.

 一一Benny's Pov一一

      I walked Freya to Audrey's house, and as it came into view she took my hand in hers and dragged me to the side of the house. She knocked on the window and Audrey opened it saying, "Finally" with a relived sigh. Before she jumped over the the window seal she turned to me, kissed my cheek, and said "Bye Benny, see you Friday" I tried my hardest to keep my cool and said "see you." She flashed me her gorgeous smile and jumped into Audrey's room.

     I walked away, suppressing my smile, i knew my face was red which probably looked so stupid. I was so close to kissing Freya and i let the moment slip from my grasp. Man, the boys are gonna love this one. I roll my eyes at the thought, god i hate those boys. Well, not really there just sol annoying.

一一Freya's Pov一一

    I shut Audrey's window and she looked at me shocked "What was that all about" she said referring back to what I had said earlier. I laughed before I said "Nothing" I felt my face go pink and I quickly covered my face, falling on her bed face first. "That wasn't nothing, did I interrupt something when I called " she said somehow knowing what had happened. "No" I lied, though It was muffled because my face was still on her bed. "Okay but what's going on Friday" she interrogated me, I lifted my head up and said "Benny said he is going to take me out somewhere" she smirked and said "ooohh" I rolled my eyes "No not ooohh" I said, mocking her.

      "Let's just put on a movie or something" I said trying to get her off the subject on me and Benny. "Okay" she said and she put on killer clowns from outer space, one of our favorite movies. I put on a pair of pajamas and we walked to the kitchen to get popcorn and snacks, we ran back to her room. Audrey had two siblings, a younger brother and a younger sister. Her sister Aurora was 5 and a quiet girl and she was my favorite because she reminded me of myself. While her brother was pretty wild and he reminded me of Audrey, his name was Roman and he was 8.

      We were lucky to not get stopped by either on our way back to Audrey's room, we spent the night messing around and watching movies. We talked about all different things from the boys to different types of ice cream flavors. It was a crazy and fun night not to add the time I spent with Benny hours earlier. We fell asleep at 2 and luckily her parents never figured out what happened earlier that night.

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