𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈. 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲

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     Like me and Benny planned, we would go out on Friday and that was today

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Like me and Benny planned, we would go out on Friday and that was today. I'm nervous and excited and probably every possible emotion. Me and Benny had been friends for a while and I really like him but I still feel crazy nervous.

Benny hasn't told me where we are going but he said to dress casual. So, I'm wearing a grey long sleeve top with a black skirt that goes to about mid thigh. Under the skirt I'm wearing black tights and over those I have on boots that almost touch my knee. I tied my shoes and ran down stairs, I grabbed my purse and as i did I heard a knock on the door. Looking down at my watch '6:30' it read, he was right on time.

I walk over to the door, pull it open and see Benny. He was wearing a white shirt and some baggy blue jeans with a black leather trench coat. "Hi" I say, his eyes went wide upon seeing my outfit and he looked to be in awe. I wave my hand in front of his face and "Benny" he quickly came back from the haze and said "Sorry, you just look so beautiful." He says, looking back at my outfit, i felt a small bit of heat come to my face. "Thank you and you look very handsome as well" I say with a smile on my face.

"It's just the truth" he says, "So where are you taking me for this mystery date" I ask trying to get an idea of how the night will go. "Well you'll just to wait and see" He says opening the car door for me of what seemed to be his older sister's car "Thank you." i say to him step in into the black car. "Hi" I say to his sister that looked just like Benny but older , "Hey, wow I've never seen him be that nice to someone, i mean he isn't even this nice to his friends wow" she says, I giggle a little and see Benny jump in the car. "whatever she said please just ignore her" he says to me "I told her to just drive and clearly she can't listen" he says directing the last to part to her.

"Well sorry, I wanted to talk to the girl you won't shut up about" She said, he sits back in his seat looking embarrassed. "Wow you can't shut up about me" I say looking towards him with a smirk. "Oh my god, you should hear him everyday he saying 'Oh Frea's so pretty' or 'oh my god Freya is so funny, you know what she said the other day' I swear I've heard him talk about you more than baseball It's honestly such a refresher" She says laughing, "Can you just drive" Benny said with pink all over his face. "I actually wanna hear more about this" I say laughing along with Benny's sister.

The rest of the ride consisted of all the things Benny's says about me and Benny constantly telling his sister, Sofia, to be quiet while me and Sofia were just laugh at his dismay. Once we made it to the location Benny quickly got out of the car, came and opened my door, sticking out his hand for me to grab, which i accepted while getting out of my seat.

      "Thank you" I say, "anytime" he says smiling back at me. "Text me when its over and use protection" Sofia says before he shuts the door quickly and saying "bye." I could hear her laugh as she drove off. Me and Benny start to walk to the ticket booth when he says "Sorry about her, she doesn't know how to shut her mouth."

I take his hand in mine as we walk but continue the conversation "I like her" I say chuckling. "I don't really" he says and i laugh, mostly knowing it was a lie. We walked up to the booth and Benny hands the woman working the tickets, she checks them and hands them back to us. "Enjoy the show" she says, I think we are seeing a movie and it's a little generic but I'm still grateful, but as long as I'm doing it with Benny It's okay.

We walk in the place buy popcorn and drinks and we walk into the theater but, I realize that it's not the kind of theater I expected there is a stage instead of a screen. Benny leads of to our seats that were in the middle towards the back and when we sit down I looked to the stage and see the familiar back drop. "Swan lake?" I ask looking at my date, "what how'd you know?" he asked looking towards me confused "The back drop" I say pointing out the dark sky and bright moon. "ohh" he says nodding.

"You said you do Ballet that night at the park, I didn't know your favorite but I heard this one is decent" He says shrugging "Decent! This is a classic and it's amazing just you wait. Oh my god, I can't believe you called the Swan Lake decent" I saw a little offended for Tchaikovsky. "Sorry i guess-" "shhh it's starting" he starts but i quickly cut him off when i see the lights lower and hear the orchestra play the first measures.

The dancers came out one by one, bowing on the stage, after the show end and the crowd erupted in claps and cheers. People pouring out of the theaters, we walk out in the cold I hug my arms to my body and Benny sees this and saying "It's too cold out for you not to be wearing a jacket." he says taking off his jacket, "I can't let you freeze again" I say but he just gives me a look and I just take the jacket, saying "Thanks."

Benny quickly texts his sister so we could get out of the cold, we see her car pull up and we quickly jog up to the car Benny opens the door for me and I get in feeling the warmth ingulf me. Quickly feeling the warmth I relax a bit and as Benny gets in we drive off. The ride was mostly silent except for a few comments but the most notable thing from that car ride was the way Benny's hand never left mine.

We start getting closer to my house I say "Will you drop me off here just In case my mom is home, if she knows I'm out, especially with you she'll go ballistic" a little embarrassed, Sofia says "Sure" "Good thinking" Benny says remembering back on the last encounter with my mother.

      Sofia stops the car and I see Benny get out of the car, helping me out "Are you gonna do that every time?" I ask, "so what I'm a gentleman. do you have a problem with it?" he asks "No, it's nice I was just wondering" I say smiling "So you think i'm nice" He says smirk "I think your a lot more things then just nice" I say leaning my head up at Benny to look at his beautiful hazel eyes better.

       I felt myself lean in him doing the same till we finally met in the middle. Our lips connecting like pieces of a puzzle. It was warm and sweet to contrast with the bitter and cold wild. I could still taste the popcorn on his soft lips.

      When we pulled apart I smiled and said "see you later Benny" he was super pink but he looked to be in a trance but he quickly said before I was too far away "see you" waving towards me. I turn around and nod before run back home to get out of the biting winter. If I had glanced back once I might've been able to see the loving way Benny was staring at me.

𝐓𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐄 ║𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐳Where stories live. Discover now