𝐈𝐈. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬

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           I walked into my math class and say the boy from yesterday, he was sitting talking to his friend

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I walked into my math class and say the boy from yesterday, he was sitting talking to his friend. I was about to go and find a seat when the teachers said, "You must be our new student, Miss Gray" she was a plump woman with round glasses and a purple blazer set with a matching skirt. "yeah, but you can just call me Freya" I corrected, "yes well you can call me Mrs. Harrison" she said and I just nodded and started walking to me seat "And I hope you are ready to learn so math!" I turned around, finding a seat towards the back and to the right, "yup" I quickly said sitting down, Then she started the lesson.

The class was pretty boring without Audrey, but I managed. The stuff we talked about in class was stuff I learned in the beginning of the year so I didn't really listen a lot. The only notable thing that happened was when I would catch Benny's eyes on me, which was surprisingly a lot. Honestly if he had done it again I probably would have gotten mad at him but it was just enough to keep me intrigued. I thought lunch would never come but the bell rang and I quickly got out of my seat and packed up my stuff. I walked down the hallway, to my locker to put my back pack in. The only thing I left out was my phone, which I put in my back pocket and my lunch box for obvious reasons. I shut my locker and looked around for Audrey and saw her at her locker across the hall and a few down.

I ran up to her as she was closing her locker, and said "Hey" she looked up at me and she smiled, she had her big bright signature smile on her face, and replied with "Hello" in a cheery voice. We interlocked our arms as we made our way outside to were we eat lunch everyday. "I'm so mad we don't have all the same class" she frowned a little and said "I knoww" leaning her head on my shoulder making me chuckle. We found our usual table we go to practically ever day and sat down and started eating our lunches and just talking about our classes and how are days are going.

"ohh so I heard so people saying that so one likes you" Audrey said, I looked at her like she was crazy, "what. It's literally my first day how could someone already like me" I was so confused, she looked a little ways passed my shoulder and said "I don't know, but I think I know who it is" she said in a flirty voice. I looked behind me where she had motioned to and saw Benny sitting with all his friends. We made eye contact and all his friends were making in "ooooohhh-ing" noises at him which made me laugh as I turned back around. Audrey had a knowing smile on her face as she had seen the whole thing. "I bet you like him too" she said with that same tone as before. "I do not. I barely even know him. I don't even know his name I think it was like Benny or something" I defend myself and she smirked then said "It is Benny and you remembered that on purpose" I rolled my eye in defeat, "Okay yeah sure he is cute but he could also be an asshole" I said, "You know that's not true and trust me he isn't" She said with a light laugh. "Whatever you say girl."

I saw Benny walking passes us and we made eye contact again but this time it seemed to be different, longer, like he was trying to say unspoken words. He hands me a piece of paper and lets his hand linger for a couple extra seconds, I could feel his softer finger as they grazed against mine. He walked back to his friends and I seemed to follow him with my eyes. I quickly opened the note and it said:

Meet me at the park tonight, 11:25p.m. if you want.

--The jet ;)

Audrey read over my shoulder and quickly started smiling a million time more than she was before and started nudging me a couple times. Then suddenly the bell rang signaling the end of lunch, making me and Audrey groan even though we still had all but seventh period together. We threw away our trash and walked back to our lockers to grab our backpacks and put our lunch boxes away.

The rest of the day was normal, we just had science, social studies, and then last period, ELA, which was the other class me and Audrey didn't have together. The day went by pretty slow but with Audrey there it seemed to go by faster. One thing that I was paying more attention to then the lesson besides Audrey was Benny. We sat across the room from me and he would still try to talk to me even though I was a horrible lip reader so it mostly just ended with me giving up because it had no clue what he was saying. Somehow the teachers never even noticed us, and I know we were being really disruptive or maybe it just seemed like it.

When I was walking home with Audrey it was mostly giggles and teasing, but the big thing in the back on my mind was that note Benny had given me. Audrey had read my thoughts and quickly said "So are you gonna go to the park later?" wiggling her eyebrows at me "Maybe" I said as a felt my cheeks getting more and more pink. "I think you should" she said "And then tell me all about it when you get home." laughing I said "okay" and we continued to walk in silence, "Sooo is there anyone you like?" I say in the same tone as her from lunch "No" she mumbled, now she was the one blushing. "liar" I said "No" she argued "whatever I know I'm right" I said stopping it before it go's on forever. "text me later, k?" she said as we made it to her house "I will ,love you" I said walking down the street to my house "Love you!" she yelled back so I could hear her, I simply laugh to myself as I turned in the key to my house walking inside.

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