𝐕. 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧

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     Today was Halloween and me and Audrey had decided to be cops, I know it's a little basic but I think we look pretty cute

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Today was Halloween and me and Audrey had decided to be cops, I know it's a little basic but I think we look pretty cute. We were going to go to a Halloween party later so me and Audrey were getting ready at her house. I put on my black boots as she finished he makeup, it was around 'five-thirty' so when Audrey was finished she quickly put on her matching boots, I grabbed my bag and we ran downstairs. "Bye Mom" Audrey yelled to let her mom know we were leaving "bye hun, be home by 10" I heard her muffled voice say from the other room.

We walked out the door and I saw Benny and Nolan wearing matching prisoner outfits, that 's when I figured out that I had been set up I heard Audrey giggling beside me. I looked at her with raised eyebrows 'what the hell' I said using some sort of secret language we had made from being around each other so long. 'what' she raised her eyebrows too, tilting her head a little, 'you know what' I motion toward Benny slightly. 'you know you wanted too' she replied with a smirk on her face, I just rolled my eyes, ever if it was true.

I simply looked back towards the boys and saw that Benny seemed to by a little shocked too looking at my outfit. 'At least I wasn't the only one who was set up' I thought, knowing Audrey definitely came up with it. The house we were going to was not to far though it was a brisk ten minute walk. We made are way to the house, with Audrey and Nolan leading the way, me and Benny behind them.

"You look nice" I heard Benny say as we continued walking behind the other two, "thank you, so do you" I thanked but I laughed off the last part playing it as a joke. This action had seemed to make him snicker as well, I saw Audrey glance back at us with that same smirk. I brushed it off knowing that she is always trying to find me a boyfriend. Either way I don't like Benny.

or at least I can't like him..

Out of no where, a young boy ran up to us with teary eyes and a runny nose we grabbed onto my sleeve and muttered out "I-i can't find m-my mommy and daddy" he sniffled "c-c-can you help me." This made my heart hurt, I felt so bad, I bent down to boys level saying "Of course, what's your name?" I asked trying to ease the crying boy, "m-mateo" he said trying to wipe his nose on the sleeve of his Halloween costume.

I felt Benny kneel beside me and say "Well Mateo, I'm Benny and there is no need to worry, we will help you find your parents." I felt myself smile at this kind gesture, he stood up taking Mateo's hand and I found myself following suit. "We'll catch up with you guys later" I said to Audrey and Nolan. "Okay but have fun" Nolan said and I already knew exactly what Audrey was going to say 'but not too- "But not to much fun" she said interrupting my thoughts "Bye guys" I said to them in some sort of sarcastic way.

"My name is Benny but Mateo, could you tell us what your parents look like" Benny asked the boy whose eyes and nose had already started to dry. "Umm" he said trying to think for a second, he started getting teary again "I d-don't knoww" He said leaning on my arm, I looked to Benny simply melting over the young boy's actions. "He it's okay how about we walk around the area and see if we see them, okay, they couldn't have gone far, I'm sure there running around looking for you." As the older boy was talking Mateo looked towards him and immediately felt a little better. "Here do you wanna play a game that I used to do with my parents" Benny said hoping to cheer the boy up some.

I looked to the taller boy a little confused then he quickly whispered in my eye "don't worry we just gonna do that swinging thing, he'll be fine" the whisper sent chills down my spine and I couldn't help but I felt I craved to hear more of it. I noticed the small boy pulling my arm back along with Benny's, I looked toward Benny, we made eye contact and seemed to have silent count down.

When this countdown got to one we and Benny swung the boy forward in the air, when he landed back on the floor he was giggling a bunch and said "again, again" Benny looked toward me to take my consideration and I nodded my head to let him know it was okay. "Okay more time" he said to Mateo "Yayy" the young boy giggled. We swung him up and down one more time and then went to find his parents.

We walked around for around fifteen minutes when we heard a woman yell "Mateo? Mateo" we turned and saw an older woman jogging towards of "Mommy" Mateo yelled back, his dad trailing behind a little. He swiftly let go of our hands and ran towards them both hugging the two. Me and Benny subconsciously scooted closer together, I had a light smile though in my mind I felt a little envious but I pushed that feeling deep in my mind. "Thank you so much you too, I don't know how to thank you" the woman, "It's no problem ma'am" Benny said "We just Mateo is okay" I said following Benny.

She smiled and we saw Mateo turn around and say "Bye Freya and Benny" in a cheerful voice, "Bye" we both said with smiling face, I lifted my hand in a wave. When they left Me and the taller boy turned and tarted to make our way back to the house where the Halloween party was at. The wind had picked up and honestly I was a little cold, I felt a warm hand slip into mine, "Thank you" I said not glancing at the boy, "for what, being a good person" He asked, I laugh at this sentence and then said "No it was just a sweet gesture."

Benny had seemed to feel the cold breeze and said quickly "Are your cold or do you-" I quickly cut him "I'm fine, thank you" he looked as if I was lying "Are you sure" I smiled and said "Yes, see this is the thing about you your just such a gentleman, I'm surprised no one hasn't 'scooped' you up yet" I said jokingly "there is only one girl i really want'" Benny mumbled, "What did you say?" I questioned not entirely knowing what he said "Oh nothing" he reassured, If was being honest I think I saw a light pink blush on his face but it's darker out so I think I was just seeing things.

We had made it to the house and we walked inside seeing a bunch of people there was music blaring. I felt Benny leading me somewhere, he lead me to a room, he shut the door and turned on the lights. It was a smaller room but it was better than being out there in that heard of teenagers. "Thank you, again" I say with a light smile "No problem, I definitely wouldn't last 5 minuets out there alone" He chuckled, "How are people enjoying themselves out there" I asked.

"I really don't know" He said, we stood there just laughing for a second, I sat down on a bed that was in the room lying back looking at the ceiling, Benny laid down next to me taking my hand back in his, It was weird it felt as though my hand was made to be interlocked with his and though I would never admit it I think I may like Benny more than I let on, ever if my stupid mother forbade me from seeing him I could figure out a way around her.

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