𝐗𝐈𝐈. 𝐌𝐲 𝐍𝐞𝐭

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       I had spent about two weeks with Audrey and her family though i'd be leaving in a three days to go back home. I was very sad but, I was going to make the best of it. Today, me and Audrey were going to go ice skating like we used to when it would get cold. I was wearing a cream colored sweater with a pair of black flared leggings. I grabbed a jacket to go over it, with a fleece scarf and some gloves. 

       Me and Audrey drove to the skating rink, got skates, and we practically spent the whole day messing around on the ice. Audrey was a lot better than me, I spent most of my time on the ice because I kept falling over. "Have you been practicing or something" I ask, since we usually barely went when I was here. "Well, me and Nolan come here sometimes" she replies giggling, "So that's why the cute guy at the counter knew your name" I ask, "Probably but, the weird thing is I've never told him" she says sounding a little afraid looking over at the counter.

       "It's probably just you and your loud boyfriend" I say jokingly, still sitting on the cold ice, remembering all the times Nolan was yelling though, Audrey was usually one to tell him to be quieter, which my ears were thankful for. "He's not that loud" Audrey says, embarrassed, "Whatever you say Aud" I say laughing, finally getting up to continue skating.

       We spent the rest of the morning messing around on the ice till about 1 and then we decided to get some lunch then go home. We went to some random 50s themed diner that was down the road from the ice rink. The food was amazing and we danced to some songs that were playing on an original jukebox, that me and Audrey were obsessed with.

       After lunch, me and Audrey were driving back to her house. We grabbed our stuff and jumped out of the car. As we were walking to the front door I got a glimpse of a taller guy with black hair running at what seemed to be the speed of a jet and that's when I realized how it was. Benny. I do a double take to make sure I'm not hallucinating and I wasn't. It was really Benny.

       "Hey, I'll be in in a second" I say to Audrey, she looks in the direction i was looking at and she understood my motivation for stopping. "Okay, here I'll take your bag" she says, putting out her hand, I handed her my bag muttering a quick "thanks" before I walk down the sidewalk and around the street corner to that same park we went to  so years ago. I walk through the open gates, that were usually never closed anyways, and saw Benny running the bases of the sandlot, turned baseball field.

      "hey" I say just loud enough 'so he would hear me. He came to a stop, he seemed to recognize my voice and it looked as though he pinched himself to make sure It was real. He turned and looked pretty shocked "Frea?" he says walking towards me. "Yep" I say lightly, "how have you been?" I say to break the silence, "I have been good but, i mean, I have mostly been thinking about you" He say, mostly mumbling the last part. 

       "Really?! You have been on my mind like 24/7 since I left or at least the last time we talked" I say remembering how we ended our last conversation. He looked down in regret at the reference. "Yeah" He says rubbing the back of his neck "I just wanna say I'm sorry about that, I was really insecure at the time and had some mad anger issues but, I mean that's no excuse for how horribly I treated you." He speaks looking back up at me. 

       "It's okay, I forgive you. But, I should have never just left the country without even mentioning it to you. God, I should have just walked up to you to at least say goodbye." I say remembering how I just left stubbornly and upset with him.  "No, I had no reason to get mad at you in the first place, when i heard the rumors I should have apologized and said goodbye like any normal person" He says quickly. 

       I smile a little to let him know it was okay, "wow, I can't believe it's been three years already" I say recalling all the time I've spent in Europe. "i know, It feels like yesterday we were watching ballets and eating funnel cake together" He says, this gave me an idea.

      "We should take a walk around the neighborhood, you know for old time sake" I say smiling. "Yeah, here come on" He say reaching out for my hand, I accepted his hand and we ran off towards a part of the neighborhood I'd never seen before. "Where are we going" I yell up to him, "you'll see" He says

       After running for a minute or two we stop at the entrance of a path leading to a forest with snow covered trees. "woah" I say looking towards the gorgeous scene, "I know right, I found this place a little bit ago, I swore that if you ever came back and you didn't hate me forever that I'd bring you here" He saying, watching me admire the plants and animals the same way he would admire me. 

       "Thank you, it's gorgeous" I say looking back at the boy, that was now more of a young man, It's crazy how much someone can change over the course of a couple years. "A penny for your thoughts?" Benny said as we began walking down the snow filled path. "It's just, you are so different from the last time we met but, you are also the exact same, it's weird" I say laughing a little. "Really? That's just how I feel, I swear it's been barely a week but it's really been a whole three years" Benny says.

       "Exactly. I mean when I was younger everything was difficult and full of change but, i really feel that now all the big problems I faced when I was younger are just tiny simple things now." I say, remembering all my "super, big, crazy, problems" were just stupid things that didn't really matter. "Yeah, when I was younger, I thought that getting a C was bad but, now I can barely keep a B in most my classes." Benny says chuckling, "Oh my god, don't get me started on grades, I used to almost t-start bawling if i didn't get 100s on my test, it was completely ridiculous. I put myself on a tightrope everyday." I say, "Well, every tightrope walker needs their net" He says "I guess you were that for me. My Net." 

𝐓𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐄 ║𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐳Where stories live. Discover now