Chapter Two

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Yunah followed her older sister into the apartment in silence.

They had not said another word to each other for the entire car ride home.

As Yunah closed the door Sumin suddenly spoke. "I'll make us dinner" she announced as she walked to the kitchen.

Yunah followed. She watched as her sister got the ingredients for their meal out of the refrigerator.

"I'll help" Yunah announced suddenly as she hurriedly took some of the vegetables from her sister and grabbed a knife to begin chopping them.

"Thanks" Sumin replied. Her tone was cold.

Yunah put the knife down and turned to face her sister with a sigh.

"Unnie. Can we talk about this, please?" Yunah pleaded.

Sumin sighed deeply but did not turn away from the sink as she washed the ingredients.

"Yunah... I just wished you had spoken to me before you started dating this guy. Or listened when I asked you to call it off" her sister groaned.

"It's my life Unnie" Yunah snapped.

Sumin dropped what she was doing and spun to face her little sister.

"But it isn't just your life Yunah. I gave up everything for you. I moved to Seoul with you, I quit my job to be your manager. I took you to every audition. When we had no money I did any job I could find that worked around your schedule so I could help you achieve your dream" Sumin ranted.

Yunah looked down at the floor. Her sister was right and she knew it. She had always been grateful the Sumin had supported her in her goals and tried her hardest to repay her for it.

She took a deep breath before replying. "I appreciate everything you have done for me Unnie. But it's okay now. I've made it. I've succeeded" Yunah explained.

Sumin shook her head. "You are so naive. I don't think you understand how easily this can all go away" She snapped as she gestured around the apartment.

"What do you mean?" Yunah asked.

Sumin continued. "Have you thought about what might happen if the public finds out about the two of you. This is your first role and you are already dating your co star. What if people think you did it to get the part?"

Yunah blinked at her sister. "But people want us to be dating. There are already fan sites for it. People ship us together. I don't think if they found out it would be a problem, plus I got the part before we started dating anyway" She answered.

Sumin rolled her eyes. "Okay. Well then the other scenario, what about when you guys break up? Even if it never goes public how will you work together? And if it does go public... Can you imagine the backlash?"

"That won't happen" Yunah snapped in reply.

"Be realistic, please Yunah I'm begging you. Try to understand what I'm saying" Sumin pleaded.

Yunah shook her head. "It's going to be okay Unnie. I know what I'm doing. Minho has been nothing but good to me."

Sumin turned back to the sink. "Has he? I'm not trying to fight with you or hurt you. But you need to see what I see. You are blinded to what he is"

Yunah frowned. "What do you mean?"

"When was the last time you heard from him?" Sumin asked.

Yunah looked at the ground in thought. It had been a while but he was busy. He had his own schedule.

"Maybe a little over a week ago" Yunah replied. "But he is busy Unnie and I respect that. You should too"

"I just wonder if he is using you. I care about you Yunah. I don't want you to get hurt" Sumin replied quietly.

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