Chapter Twelve

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Yunah shifted uncomfortably in her seat. A dress and heels were not her idea of a suitable outfit for sitting and watching a movie for 2 hours.

As she moved, trying to find a position that was at least manageable, she felt a hand on her arm.

"You okay?" Seungcheol asked quietly from his seat behind her.

Yunah looked around before nodding. They had sat as near to the back of the room as they could, but she was aware of all the people around them and didn't want to seem rude.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Seungcheol whispered.

Yunah looked at him and then back at the screen before shaking her head.

Seungcheol tapped her arm to get her attention. "There is still another hour left. Are you sure you want to stay?" He asked.

The person in the row in front of them turned around and frowned at the pair before turning back to the screen.

Seungcheol sighed loudly. "Come on," he said as he took Yunah by the wrist and pulled her up out of her seat.

Yunah breathed a silent sigh of relief that they had chosen seats at the end of the aisle and weren't disturbing anyone as they made their way to the door.

She allowed Seungcheol to lead her out of the doors and into the bright lights of the foyer.

"I'm never getting invited to one of these again," Yunah declared with a sigh.

"Why?" Seungcheol asked.

"Leaving in the middle, come on, that's so rude. People will think twice before adding me to the guest list for events like this in the future, " she replied.

"No, they won't. No one cares if you leave during. As long as you are there for the photo opportunity at the beginning, you have done your part, " Seungcheol explained and as if he had arranged it a small group walked out of the theatre behind them and headed towards a door near the back of the room.

"Where are they going?" Yunah asked.

"Back exit, follow me," Seungcheol explained as he headed in the same direction.

Yunah followed Seungcheol through a maze of corridors until they reached a door guarded by security.

The security guard nodded and opened the door for them, revealing a parking lot behind it.

"You know. I never even questioned how I was going to get home tonight. I just assumed the same driver would pick me up and take me back, " Yunah said, vocalising her thoughts.

"They would have done. But I'll let them know they don't need to, " Seungcheol explained as he led them through the parking lot.

"Why? How will I get home?" Yunah asked.

"I'll drive you," Seungcheol announced, leaning against a car before patting the roof.

"But you've been drinking," Yunah replied.

"Nope, I forget you are new to stuff like this. That champagne was alcohol free. They never serve actual alcohol at these things, " Seungcheol explained as he opened the door to the car and gestured for Yunah to get inside.

Yunah could feel the heat rising in her cheeks. She didn't want Seungcheol thinking she was naive. How did she not notice that champagne was alcohol free.

She ducked under Seungcheol's arm and into the car before he could notice the red that had started to climb up her cheeks.

Seungcheol closed the door firmly behind her before walking around and entering the drivers side.

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