Chapter Eight

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Yunah followed the small crowd to the area that had been left clear in an attempt at a makeshift stage.

She decided to hang around the back edge, suddenly feeling reluctant to draw too much attention to herself.

She hadn't expected to see Minho here, and he certainly hadn't mentioned he was invited. He knew full well she had been, given her ties to the comeback through her appearance in the music video, even if she hadn't told him she was sure he would have assumed.

Yunah shifted her weight as she scanned the crowd for Minho and found him quickly still draped around the female idol from earlier. She tore her eyes away in disgust. Unable to fathom the reason he was doing this.

She was distracted from her train of thought as Seungcheol started to speak from the centre of that makeshift stage, now with a microphone in hand. The rest of the members had fallen into a line behind him.

The crowd fell silent, and Seungcheol lifted the microphone.

"Say the Name Seventeen. Hello, we are Seventeen." He announced loudly.

The members all spoke along with him.

Yunah listened intently as Seungcheol dove into his speech, thanking those that needed to be thanked, and when those people were in the room, he would point them out so the crowd could turn and look.

He also talked about what this meant to him and the other members. Yunah didn't take her eyes off him as he continued to speak. She could almost see his thoughts as he made sure to remember to thank everyone.

Slowly, the crowd became restless, and Yunah could sense Seungcheol realising it to, and he began to wrap up his speech. As he did so, she noticed one of the members was now missing from the line.

"...So again, thank you all for coming and celebrating with us. There is just one more thank you I would like to make before I let you get back to enjoying yourselves," Seungcheol declared, scanning the crowd as if he was looking for someone.

One of the members, Mingyu, Yunah, realised leant forward and tapped Seungcheol on the shoulder before pointing into the crowd, directly at her.

Yunah shifted to the side in a misguided attempt to try and hide herself as the entire crowd turned to face her.

On stage, the members were all now waving at her. She shyly waved back.

She could feel Seungcheol staring at her, and she reluctantly dragged her eyes to his.

He was beckoning her forward. But still, she didn't move. Couldn't move even if she wanted to.

Yunah watched silently as the crowd parted, making a path between her and the makeshift stage and still didn't make to move even as Seungcheol stepped forward and walked along that path himself. Until he was standing right in front of her.

He calmly took her by the hand and silently dragged her back the way he had come.

Yunah became even more aware of just how many people were in the room and the eyes that were currently on her, not to mention the fact that Seungcheol was confidently holding her by the hand. Not the wrist but the hand, their fingers seamlessly intertwined. Yunah didn't dare scan the crowd for the particular pair of eyes she could feel burning into her.

When they reached the stage, Yunah settled into place beside Seungcheol. He released her hand and raised the microphone again.

Yunah tried to plaster a mask of confidence across her face.

"Our last thank you is to the woman you see beside me." Seungcheol announced.

He turned to face her and continued speaking. "Song Yunah, thank you for agreeing to be in our music video. We all desperately wanted to work with you, so thank you for making one of our dreams come true."

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