Chapter Fourteen

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Yunah sat in what she could only imagine was an extremely expensive leather armchair in front of a sleek dark wood desk. Opposite her sat a wall of windows that you could see most of the Seoul skyline through. Between her and the view sat Mrs Kang. Yunah tried her hardest not to wipe her palms on her skirt. They were coated in sweat. She hadn't been this nervous in years.

Before she had walked into the office Seungcheol, who was currently sitting outside in the hall, had patted her on the back and wished her luck before practically shoving her through the door.

The two women had exchanged greetings before Mrs Kang had directed Yunah to the seat and then produced a leather folio from one of her desk drawers and began reading.

Yunah tried not to stare at Mrs Kang. She knew she had been one of the top agents in Korea for decades but the woman sat before her didn't look a day over forty. Her dark hair was pulled back into a sleek bun and she wore what was obviously a designer label dark blue pinstripe pantsuit. Not to mention Yunah had caught a glimpse of the red soled high heels Mrs Kang was wearing before she had taken her seat. The woman was practically dripping money.

Yunah shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Minutes had passed and Mrs Kang continued to silently leaf through the documents in front of her. Suddenly the silence was broken as Mrs Kang dropped the documents onto the table, causing Yunah to flinch slightly.

"So, you've only done the one piece of work so far" Mrs Kang said, it wasn't so much of a question as a statement and Yunah wasn't sure if she should respond or not. "Is there a reason?" Mrs Kang asked.

Yunah blinked at Mrs Kang, unsure how to answer. "Umm well Accidental Love was the first job I was offered" she proposed.

"I see, and I see you have signed up for a second season but for a smaller part?"

Yunah nodded.

"Do you want an agent Miss Song, because honestly the offers I have in front of me, I am confused as to why you haven't signed on for any of these instead" Mrs Kang explained as she stared across the desk at Yunah.

Yunah frowned slightly. "I... sorry I am not entirely sure what you mean"

Mrs Kant picked up the documents she had scattered across the desk. "These are job offers. For you. Your older sister is your manager, correct?" Before Yunah had a chance to respond Mrs Kang continued. "My assistant asked her to send over all your information. These are the offers you have received over the last few weeks"

Yunah ran a hand through her hair. "Can you tell me when exactly these came in?" she asked.

"I assume you mean did they come in before or after the job you have already agreed to do?" Again Mrs Kang spoke before Yunah could answer. "They came after"

That made sense then, for a moment Yunah had been convinced Sumin was withholding work from her, but she knew that her sister would have assumed she wanted to Accidental Love season two with Minho over any of these offers, and at the time she would have been correct, now she wanted nothing more than to find a way out of that job, she opened her mouth to voice this but was stopped as Mrs Kang held up a hand.

"Miss Song, I'll be completely frank with you. When Mr Choi called me I was surprised to hear you didn't already have an agent. And please do not take this as a criticism on your sister's work but seeing this I fear you have already been mismanaged. I am willing to represent you, but first I need some agreements from you" Mrs Kang explained as she gestured at the papers. "First, we are going to get you released from your contract. That role is not for you, you are currently a rising star and this will only harm your growth." Yunah almost breathed a sigh of relief but contained it. "Second, I understand you are dating your previous co star?"

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