Chapter Ten

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A week had passed since the release party, and once again, it was like Minho had changed personality.

As cold and irritated as he had seemed that night, by the time the next morning came around, he had turned up at her apartment with breakfast and an apology.

He had gone as far as to make an effort to see her every day since. Yunah was over the moon that they were back in their happy bubble.

She hated their bad days. On those days, it was like Minho was an entirely different person. One she struggled to even recognise. But when they were good, they were so good it overshadowed the small amount of bad.

Yunah slowly opened her eyes and stretched. She looked beside her and found Minho still sleeping deeply.

She smiled at him before dragging herself out of bed. She crossed her room and grabbed her robe, wrapping it tightly around herself before leaving the room, making sure to close the door as quietly as possible. She didn't want to wake Minho, especially when things were going well for them. She never knew what might set him off, so she had decided it was better to just be extra careful around him for the time being.

Yunah headed down the corridor towards the kitchen but stopped outside her sister's room. She could hear her talking through the closed door, and her voice sounded strained.

Yunah leaned closer to try and hear better but still couldn't make out what was being said.

Deciding that she shouldn't be spying on her sister, she stepped back and started heading towards the kitchen, but stopped when she heard the door open behind her.

"I know you are there, Yunah." Sumin sighed.

"Sorry, Unnie," Yunah said, her voice laced with shame.

"I need to talk to you. Come here," Sumin called lightly from her room.

Yunah walked back down the corridor and walked into Sumin's room. She left the door open a small crack so she could hear if Minho got up.

Yunah looked at her sister, who was sitting on the bed with her head in her hands. Yunah sat beside her. Before she could ask what was wrong, Sumin spoke.

"Auntie called," she explained with a deep sigh, her head still buried in her hands.

Yunah swallowed loudly. "Oh, did... did she say what she wanted?

"She wanted to know if we were coming home for the service," Sumin explained.

"Is it already that time of year again?" Yunah asked. It felt like they had only had this conversation recently.

"It is. Another year. You would think by now she would stop asking. It's been nearly 10 years, and we haven't been to a single memorial since the funeral" Sumin groaned.

"But, Unnie. She doesn't understand. She doesn't know why we won't go, " Yunah explained, placing a hand on her sisters knee in an attempt to comfort her.

Sumin removed her head from her hands and looked at Yunah. Her eyes seemed distant.

"We can't tell her. Can't let her know, " Sumin muttered.

"I know, Unnie. I understand. But you must realise she doesn't understand why her sister's children won't come pay their respects to their own mother. " Yunah sighed.

"Respects? That woman doesn't deserve them. " Sumin spat in disgust.

"I should tell you, Minho asked the other day if he could meet our parents," Yunah explained.

Sumin's eyes went wide with fear. "What did you tell him?" She asked, gripping Yunah by the hand.

"The truth," Yunah said with a shrug.

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