Chapter Eleven

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Yunah sat at her dressing table, staring at her phone. Minho had assured her he would call today when he was free. He had even let her know what time he would be back at his hotel after filming so she wouldn't be waiting around for him to call.

But this was the third day in a row he had assured her he would call. So far, he had missed every single one of their scheduled calls, and Yunah had a feeling it was going to happen again.

She sighed loudly. It had only been a week since Minho had left, and he was back to being distant with her. He never had a good reason why he didn't call. Yunah hated feeling like she had to check up on him, but she had given in earlier that day. A quick online search had revealed that he had probably been missing their calls because he was out with his co-stars. Out in bars and nightclubs by the look of it.

Yunah understood he needed to socialize with the cast. As part of a cast for a show or a movie you spend so much time with the rest of the cast that it makes sense to get to know them better and she knew Minho like to be friendly with his co-stars from their time working together.

Yunah looked at the time and realised that Minho was already 20 minutes late. She stood, deciding it was time to get ready. She did actually have an event to attend that evening, and one of the perks of being a brand ambassador was that they liked you to promote them as much as possible. Yunah now had only about 40 minutes before the stylist Calvin Klein were sending would arrive, and she wanted to shower first.

Before she could step away from the table though her phone began to ring. She quickly snatched it up and beamed when she saw it was Minho trying to video call her.

She sat back down and answered quickly, placing the phone against the mirror in front of her.

"Hi," she said happily.

"Sorry, Yunah. I know I'm late, " Minho said, running a hand through his dishevelled hair.

"It's okay. I didn't think you would be able to call. I thought you might have gone out or something, I saw the news commenting on your trips out with the cast, " Yunah explained.

"No, not tonight. Sorry, I keep missing our calls, though. You know what it's like, I want to show them my best side, " Minho explained.

Yunah nodded. "I do understand, but still. Don't party every night. If you want them to see your best side, you should do it on set. "

Yunah waited for Minho to answer, but he seemed to be looking off to the side rather than at her through the phone.

"Minho, did you hear me?" She asked, frustrated. This was the first time they had spoken properly since he left, and he wasn't even paying attention.

"Mmm," Minho said, dragging his attention back to Yunah. "Yes, I heard you. You sound like my mother, " he snapped.

"Sorry, I just worry. I don't like seeing you go out with all these young, pretty women, " Yunah said quietly, deciding to be honest.

Minho smirked. "Oh, so that is what this about really then. Not you trying to help me with my career but your own jealousy. "

Yunah rolled her eyes. "Minho seriously. I love you, I miss you. Of course, it bothers me to see you with other women. I'm sure it would bother you to see me with other men, even if it was just for work, " she explained with a sigh.

"Mmm. Like those horrible commercials you did with that idol, " Minho said, looking off to his side again.

Yunah flinched. "I thought you liked those commercials," she said sadly.

"They were fine. You needed the money. I get it. Still, you being publicly involved with another man doesn't do much for our reputations, " Minho snapped.

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