Chapter 5-Learning to Live

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A Few days later...

Barnes sat in a Dodge Hellcat with Clark driving it as they made their way to a gun store in central Metropolis.

"I made a bit of research on some of the cities in this United States about gun laws in major cities and Metropolis is the only one that allows conceal carry and ARs?" Barnes asks, recoiling in curiosity.

"Well of course I provide a lot of safety myself but I do believe that everyone should be able to defend themselves without me being there, in case they are fighting a non-bullet proof alien or psychopath" Clark confirms why Metropolis allows the ordinary citizens to have firearms.

"One question, if you can move so fast that nobody can see you, why did you spend nearly a hundred thousand dollars on this hellcat?" Barnes asks.

"It's because I don't like using my powers that often for simple tasks and actually getting to work in a car helps to fit in better" Clark answers as he parks outside of the gun shop that Barnes is going to work in.

They both get out of the car with Clark locking it as the two of them enter the shop.

"The famous reporter, Clark Kent, what can I do for you?" The burly gun shop owner asks.

"Hello mr... Bibbowski, I'm not here to buy anything, though I want you to introduce you to my eighteen-year-old brother, Barnes Kent" Clark says with a smile.

"You sure he's younger than you? You'll need to carbon date him to see his real age" Bibbowski jokes with the two.

Clark chuckles a bit before he turns to Barnes and tells him "I'm going to the Daily Planet to report in on a Superman scoop, see you in a few hours." As he turns to leave.

"Now I know you Kansas boys grew up on a farm which means Daddy let you play with his Remington every once in a while so I don't need to ask if you know how to use a gun, Barnes" Bibbowski says to Barnes as he opens up a small gate to let Barnes into the the counter area.

"Though there's one thing I need and it is a security guard" Bibbowski says as he hands him a security card.

"You get a lot of unfriendly visits, huh?" Barnes looks at the security card that was given to him, remembering how his dad, the doom slayer was once stationed on a mars base as security.

"You can say that" Bibbowski says as he moves a box full of ammunition "But owning this gun store isn't my only gig. I own the ace of clubs bar and barbeque just down the street so I work down there when its the evening because Superman shows up during that time."

Barnes nods, understanding why he works two jobs as he takes the ammunition box off of Bibbowski and puts it on the counter.

With his right hand, he grabs the box cutter and opens the box to look at its contents to confirm if the quantity of ammo that Bibbowski purchased was right.

"Check the receipt on this laptop to confirm everything" Bibbowski says as he puts a laptop in front of Barnes as it displays the order that he made.

"Five cases of buckshot, three boxes of birdshot, and two boxes of assault rife rounds" Barnes reads on the laptop as he looks inside the box, seeing that everything was in place.

Knowing that he won't have to make a couple of calls to confirm the orders, he starts removing the boxes of ammunition and puts them into the visible displays inside the counters.

As just Barnes was finishing up, putting the ammunition into their displays, the door opened with the bell ringing.

He gets up, revealing his towering figure to the customer who seems to be a simple, ordinary citizen.

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