Chapter 3-Final Verdict

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"Are you crazy, Supes?!" Flash shouted, sinking into his chair as the Justice League debated letting Doomguy into the league.

"Flash, don't forget that my goal is to try and temper his methods. He'll eventually abandon knee-capping and stop using guns altogether. Besides, it's not like a few of us haven't taken lives before. Remember Diana's involvement in World War Two?" Superman explained, referring to Diana's past actions.

"Don't count me out," Hal smirked, reminiscing about his time as a pilot in the Air Force.

"Quiet!" Batman interjected, silencing the Justice League's arguments to give his perspective.

"While I may not agree with Clark's attempt to slowly pacify Barnes, as it will still inevitably lead to casualties in the future, I also believe it's best not to provoke him, as evidenced by his fight with Clark. Instead of immediately granting him membership, we should subject him to tests," Batman suggested.

Manhunter spoke up, "Considering he's quite young and has shared all the information about himself, perhaps we should let him join the Titans for a while."

"Even if we let him join the Titans, he's too powerful for the adversaries they face, and he's far too violent," Diana pointed out, her voice filled with concern as she remembered the sight of Grodd's lifeless body with its head obliterated by a single blast from Barnes' double-barrel shotgun.

"It does seem that he prefers to confront world-ending or potentially universal-ending threats rather than mob bosses and deranged clowns," Clark added, highlighting Barnes' behavior and his inclination toward more formidable enemies.

"We can't just let him sit in the Watchtower, waiting for Darkseid to resurface," Flash argued.

"Then how about this: we create a new identity for him, and he can stay in Metropolis, working at the Daily Planet with me," Clark proposed.

"But won't he be in the same city where a bald, Kryptonian-hating billionaire, Luthor, could target him on a political level? If Barnes is pushed too far, he might just kill him," Flash countered, expressing his concern that the JLA member's actions against Luthor could jeopardize the organization's position in the world.

"As I said, I will keep a close eye on him to ensure he doesn't cross that line," Superman reassured his friend.

Batman then raised a point that made everyone reconsider the entire situation. "Then there's the matter of hell's existence."

"Well, he did claim that his father locked away hell after he killed Satan," Zatanna recalled what Barnes had disclosed during the interrogation.

"Yes, but hell still exists, and it was capable of invading dimensions that transcended the concepts of space-time and reality itself. His Earth couldn't stop it, even with giant mechs and laser guns," Shazam expressed his fear of a potential release of hell.

"I think it's best if we focus on the present for now and worry about that later. If any signs of a demonic invasion arise, I'm certain Batman will have plans in place," Superman suggested, urging the team to set aside future paranoia.

"Then it's decided. Barnes, or Doomguy as he likes to call himself, will be under Clark's watch," Batman delivered his final verdict, reigniting the Justice League's heated debate.

---Outside the conference room---

Barnes paced back and forth, anxiously waiting for the door to open and reveal his fate.

Just as he waited, the door swung open, and Superman emerged, carrying a few items in his hands.

"Alright, Doomguy, we've come to a decision. We cannot grant you full membership in the Justice League just yet, but we are offering you a provisional membership," Superman declared, extending his hand to Doomguy.

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