Chapter 15-New mission orders

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---Watchtower, cafeteria---
A week later

Before Barnes was a banquet befitting a king, a table filled with juicy towering burgers, steaming hot dogs, and golden salted fries, the breakfast of heart disease champions. Like light in a blackhole, this spread stood no chance of escape.

Amidst his act of supreme gluttony, Diana joined Doomguy's company, fitted with a far more demure breakfast of a Phyllo pastry, olive bread, and a mug of black coffee.

"Tell me, Barnes." Wonder Woman asked, gazing upon the feral beast ripping into his prey of saturated fats and processed mystery meat. "Yeah?" he replied sheepishly through a mouth filled with a dense clump of protein, noticing Diana's rather concerned presence.

"I noticed over the radio chatter between you and Clark that your father had served as a marine?" Diana asked.

Swallowing the pile of food in his mouth, Barnes replies, "Yeah, in my family we are born into it. The service runs in our blood and will die in it. Service was just the most efficient way to satisfy that longing for death, along with protecting the innocent. Speaking of, you served in World War Two, right? Not as a paper pusher, though?" Barnes asks.

"I have been in several wars; I am no stranger to that same lust for action. I found my true love in the late nineties, Corporal Steve Trevor; he's a colonel now," Diana uttered with a sense of longing.

"Nice to find a kindred spirit. I want to ask, when did this Earth's World War II end, and who won?" Barnes asks.

"The Allies won in 1945; why?" Wonder Woman answers, contemplating the bizarre question.

"On my dad's earth, it ended in 1946 with a Nazi victory; they conquered Earth, and it wasn't until the late eighties that the resistance took back Earth. I was asking because of the lack of Reichsmarks," Barnes said, making Diana's eyes go wide open, wondering how one of the most incompetent nations in history managed to win.

"Many innocents must've perished..." Diana said somberly, her thoughts slowly trailing off as she realised that the actions she took in this universe were futile to help Barnes' universe.

"Yeah... When America gained the capability to fire nukes, they just unleashed the power of the A-bomb and sent Germany to hell and back." Barnes says, also thinking about the innocents who died.

Wonder Woman scoffs at the last part, at how the U.S. could be so lax in using a weapon so powerful. She picks back up her trail of thought and fires off another question: "Another thing, I also heard your father was both a Marine and a Knight; what's with that?"

"Well, first he got kicked out of the Marines for shooting his officer because he was ordered to shoot civilians. He was then put into the UAC as security, and when the demons invaded, he went through their portal and closed it off, leaving him trapped and, a few weeks later, in hell. He found another portal, which led him to Argent D'Nure, where he was enslaved, forced to fight his way up ranks, and it caught the attention of the species called the Maykrs, who are pretty much pseudo-angels who ended up dabbling in Hell's power. Anyway, one of them called the seraphim was the one who gave my dad his powers." Barnes says this as he then gets cut off by Wonder Woman.

"I had gotten that part when Zatanna used the lasso on you when you first came here." Diana smirks.

"Yeah... My dad was a very sad man for a long time because the demons killed his first wife, first son, pet rabbit, and blew up his earth. He didn't find love for a long time until he met my mother," Barnes explains, receiving a sympathetic look from Diana.

A long pause lingered between them as Diana was unsure how to cut through the uneasiness that lingered in the air. Like a knife through butter, Doomguy cut through the aura of unease with a sharp cough. "Well, that's pretty much a summary of my dad's life; want to know mine?"

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