Chapter 1-A new beginning

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---Fortress of doom---
Date: January 4th, 2204

Barnes Blazkowicz carefully picked up his helmet, gently brushing off the dust before securing it on his head. The heads-up display (HUD) flickered to life, displaying vital diagnostics and information.

He couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration. The armor he wore was the one his father wore when he first woke up on mars, but he longed to wear something different. Unfortunately, it was the only remaining armor left to him after his father, the legendary Doom Slayer, had sacrificed himself in the battle against Davoth eighteen years ago. That battle had marked the end of the dark lord and the realm of Hell itself. However, it had also released primordial energies beyond the concepts of space and time, giving rise to new universes and restoring those consumed by the dark realm.

Barnes adjusted the coordinates on the keyboard, setting them for a new multiverse that existed outside his current reality. It was a world shaped by the aftermath of his father's final battle.

Surveying the arsenal laid out on the table, he felt a surge of memories floods back. Each weapon held a storied history, having been wielded by his father before his demise.

Opening his warp pack, Barnes meticulously placed each weapon he intended to bring, leaving only the iconic super shotgun behind. He picked up the shotgun and deftly cracked it open, causing two shells to pop out. With swift precision, he retrieved two more shells and effortlessly slid them into place. Attaching the super shotgun to his utility belt, he flicked a switch, activating the teleportation sequence.

He takes a pill that was left on the table and swallows it "This will come handy later..." He says to himself

Taking one last look around the familiar surroundings of the Fortress of Doom, Barnes couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. "I'm going to miss this place," he muttered softly to himself.

As a brilliant white circle formed at his feet, he braced himself. The circle expanded, engulfing him in a blinding flash. With closed eyes, he experienced weightlessness, and when he finally reopened them, he found himself standing in what appeared to be a dimly lit sewer. The air was heavy with a damp, musty smell, signaling the beginning of his new journey.


---Keystone City---

Year: 2023

The Flash raced through Keystone City, his speed reaching nearly five times the speed of sound, accompanied by Superman and Batman in their search for Grodd.

One major challenge they faced was Grodd's choice of lead-lined armor, rendering him invisible to Superman's X-ray vision. However, Superman's super-hearing allowed him to detect the subtle differences in a gorilla's heartbeat compared to that of a human.

Dividing the city into sectors, each of them patrolled a designated area, maximizing their chances of locating Grodd.

"Clark, can you pinpoint his heartbeat?" Batman's voice crackled through the communication devices as he maneuvered the Batmobile, his riot suppressor primed and ready to neutralize Grodd upon visual contact.

"I can hear at least three gorilla heartbeats. It seems Grodd has deployed speakers emitting gorilla-like heartbeats to confuse us. I can hear one coming from the Flash Museum, one from City Hall, and one from the sewers," Clark informed the Justice League, providing the locations of the gorilla heartbeats.

"I'll handle the one at City Hall. Flash, head to the museum, and Superman, take the sewers," Batman directed, assigning each of them to the origin points of the heartbeats. He engaged the Batmobile's self-drive mode, launching himself into the air to glide swiftly toward City Hall.

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