Chapter 14-The Slain Hunter

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-- San Francisco ---

Doomguy walked through the rubble as the ash settled, gripping his Kryptonian plasma rifle. His railgun was strapped to his back, a constant reminder of the firepower he'd need to face the Hunters. He knew he would need both his own power and overwhelming firepower to keep up the fight

His mind raced with worries: Jon's safety after shooting down Luthor's helicopter, the civilians caught in the crossfire, and now, the impending battle with the three Doom Hunters – the additional Doom Hunter the last of his current worries. Each concern weighed heavily on him, but he pushed them aside, focusing on the task at hand.

He stopped, taking a deep breath, and let the uneasy feeling fade as he exhaled. Confidence restored, he stepped out of the ash, locking eyes with a newly emerged Doom Hunter. "Doomguy identified: Lethal force authorised," it announced, its voice devoid of any emotion.

Doomguy leaped to his right, narrowly avoiding a laser blast. He switched to his railgun and fired a quick, precise shot from the hip. The hypersonic bullet, shrouded in the cone of wind, pierced the Hunter's energy shield, creating a small hole in its shoulder. The precision of his shot was a testament to his skill, even under immense pressure.

He noticed the other two Doom Hunters activating, their shots less accurate than before. His onboard AI, ASH, analysed the situation. "The third Doom Hunter is serving as command and control since the other two have lost most of their sensors. Their targeting efficiency is now at one-third of their original capacity."

"Revised strategy recommended: take out the 'healthy' Hunter," ASH advised.

Following ASH's recommendation, Doomguy swapped to his plasma rifle and concentrated his fire on the third Hunter, ignoring the other two despite their attacks. His plasma rifle hummed as it unleashed a torrent of energy, the blue beams scorching through the air.

"I'll be there in a minute. Need to rest up," Superman said over the comms.

Doomguy tensed in mid-air, unintentionally using his dash ability to dodge a volley of missiles. The unexpected maneuver surprised him, but it gave him a momentary advantage. He switched to his ballista and fired, targeting the Doom Hunter's hull and damaging its exhaust systems, significantly slowing it down.

Seeing the Hunter's reduced mobility, Doomguy switched to his Batman-crafted minigun. The barrels revved up, spewing bullets at a rate that made them look like lasers. The minigun's power and fire rate had been enhanced to the maximum.

He swept the minigun across all three Doom Hunters, shouting incoherently in rage at the cybernetic monstrosities. They activated their energy shields, but the previous damage had weakened them, allowing bullets to pass through. His rage fueled his assault, each bullet a testament to his determination to protect the innocent and avenge those who had fallen.

As the Doom Hunters prepared another attack, their arm lasers charging, Doomguy put away the minigun. He threw a grenade and switched to his combat shotgun, modifying it with a sticky bomb attachment. "Eat this," he growled, firing the sticky bomb, which latched onto the heavily damaged Hunter.

The bomb exploded, releasing a cluster of smaller bombs and destroying the Hunter's remaining arm. The chain of explosions tore through its body, consuming it in a fiery ball. The shockwave hit Doomguy, but he remained unfazed, thanks to his strength and Praetor suit. The intensity of the explosion lit up the battlefield, momentarily blinding him.

As the smoke cleared, he confirmed the destruction of one Hunter. The remaining two had sustained similar levels of damage, their mobility and power significantly reduced. "One down, two to go," he smirked under his helmet.

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