Chapter 8-Each to their own

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---Daily Planet---

"This is Cat Grant reporting for the Daily Planet. In a matter of hours, cities across the United States have descended into brutal warzones, orchestrated by the nefarious Metropolis organization, InterGang. These coordinated attacks not only involved InterGang but also enlisted the support of each respective city's notorious villains. This strategic move has successfully divided the resources of both the Justice League and the Titans, enabling InterGang to amass a horrifying body count that has now reached a staggering twenty thousand.

The brutality of these attacks spared no one, with government buildings, news agencies, and prominent corporate structures like LexCorp and the Wayne Foundation bearing the brunt of the violence. Every unfortunate soul on the streets faced the terror unleashed by these criminals.

In a particularly chilling incident in Metropolis, a police station became the target, resulting in the tragic loss of every life within, except for the son of my esteemed colleagues, Jon Kent—child of Clark Kent and Lois Lane. Eyewitness accounts and reports from kidnapped journalists near Lois Lane indicate that she pleaded desperately with the newly-inducted Justice League member, Doomguy, to rescue her son.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Justice League is engaged in humanitarian efforts, rescuing those trapped in rubble and providing medical attention to the injured. The gravity of the situation has prompted the President to declare a national emergency, with the National Guard deploying alongside the Justice League. The official statement from the President towards his generals underscores the urgency of the response: 'I want every person to ever speak, look, or be in the same room with any of these bastards dead.'

As the nation grapples with unprecedented chaos and the heroes strive to restore order, the toll of InterGang's ruthless onslaught continues to rise. This is your host, Cat Grant, reporting on these dire developments and signing off."


---unkown location---

Jon awakens to a searing pain, as if a sledgehammer had collided with his skull. Bruised, battered, and adorned with cuts, he discovers his body restrained in an unyielding grip, his clothing shredded, and kryptonite-infused cuffs rendering his powers impotent. The ominous reality dawns upon him.

In the cramped, shadowy confines of the van, armed personnel adorned with the sinister insignia of InterGang surround him. The promise of safety from Doomguy, the assurance that the police would shield him – shattered. A futile attempt to surge forward results in a brutal fall, his face meeting the unforgiving floor, blood streaming from his nose.

Mocking laughter echoes as an InterGang member sadistically stomps on Jon's back, twisting his boot to inflict agonizing friction burns. "Aw, look, kid thought his powers were going to activate," they taunt, reveling in the vulnerability of the son of a mighty hero.

"Enough! Deliver him to our contact in Santa Prisca!" the leader commands, momentarily halting the torment to present an image of composure. Jon, gasping for air, is lifted back onto his seat, hastily tidied to conceal the brutality from their awaiting contact.

"Bane's Island?" Jon queries, summoning all the strength he can muster. Fear courses through his veins, paralyzing him as the grim reality of Santa Prisca unfolds. The name resonates with tales of Bane's upbringing in the island's wretched prison, a place condemned even before his first cries of life.

Desperation overtakes Jon as tears stream down his battered face. His body shakes from an adrenaline rush, and a plea escapes his quivering lips, "What do you want from me?" The cold silence that follows amplifies the terror, leaving Jon clinging to a sliver of hope, futile as it may be.

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