Chapter 4-New Arsenal

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---Fortress of Solitude---

Doomguy, Superman, and Batman found themselves in the Fortress of Solitude, scrolling through an endless supply of Kryptonian energy weapons adapted for use with earthly materials.

"Alright, take a look. I have the names of the guns and their descriptions," Superman said, clicking a few buttons to reveal walls of energy weapons. Doomguy examined the array, which included plasma rifles, rail guns, and large energy weapons resembling the BFG.

He read the descriptions, comparing them to his energy weapons. "Fires large energy ball, electric tendrils that burn up water inside enemies, can be recharged by a Kryptonian's heat vision... Alright, I'll be taking this to replace the BFG."

A drone handed the weapon to Doomguy, who marked it as 'BFG-7000' and placed it in one of his warp packs. He noticed a pair of laser submachine guns that could be easily held in each hand. Thinking it could benefit his combat agility, he took them and holstered them on his hips. He considered a railgun but turned back to Superman and Batman, saying, "By the way, I'm not just compensating for the weapons I can't replenish the ammunition for; I'm also taking more guns than before, as well as equipment."

Reading the railgun's description, Doomguy noticed its similarities to the old Gauss cannon he had seen in the Fortress of Doom's armory, especially its siege ability.

The siege mode of the Gauss cannon was a charged shot that could pierce a Cyberdemon's armor, but it had a three-second charge-up time and was stationary. However, it had infinite shots. Comparing it to the railgun's description, Doomguy noted that the railgun had a fast one-second recharge, similar weight to his heavy cannon, and the same power, albeit with a five-bullet magazine.

"Oh damn," Doomguy muttered as he examined the railgun, impressed by its design and capabilities. It could be his most destructive yet versatile weapon, second only to his super shotgun.

He decided to take one more gun, a plasma assault rifle resembling a TAR-21.

"Alright, I'm done with guns; let's move on to equipment," Doomguy confirmed his selection. Superman entered the ammunition requirements into a holographic keyboard before clicking on the equipment button.

The weapons were replaced with lines of equipment, including grenades, laser knives, and remote explosives. Doomguy asked Superman to have his drones bring hundreds of grenades and remote explosives.

"Wouldn't it be better to resupply every now and then? I don't get why you'd want hundreds now," Superman asked, puzzled by the request.

"I just think resupplying too often can get annoying, and having one large batch will be useful if I can't resupply," Doomguy explained.

"Sounds good," Superman agreed with Doomguy's reasoning, storing away the weapons and equipment.

"Now that you have the energy weapons you need, I had a contact make you a new shotgun and minigun to replace the ones you have," Batman announced as the ceiling of the Fortress of Solitude opened.

A bat-shaped fighter jet descended with its landing gear engaged. A young man in a black suit with a blue symbol emerged from the cockpit. Nightwing struggled to pick up the modified minigun and automatic shotgun.

Doomguy jumped onto the Batwing, took the weapons and greeted Nightwing, asking, "Hi, who are you?"

"I'm the guy who runs errands for the big bad bat," Nightwing joked, with a hint of fear, as he knew Doomguy's true nature.

Doomguy chuckled and jumped down, using his double jump to land softly. Nightwing used his grappling hook to swing across to join Superman and Batman.

While Nightwing conversed with the two superheroes, Doomguy inspected his new weapons systems. He noticed that the minigun could open three extra barrels, similar to his chaingun. Nightwing expressed his concerns about Doomguy being with the Justice League.

"Bruce, I don't think Barnes has the experience to be in the League yet. All he knows is how to use his weapons and throw a punch, but I don't think he has fought someone like Darkseid, especially when you and I know that his father killed Satan himself!" Nightwing argued.

"Listen, Dick," Superman said, placing a hand on Nightwing's shoulder. "He may be even younger than you and lacks experience, but I feel that he lacks guidance. He grew up following the footsteps of his father that he didn't even know."

"I also want to say that he might not be ready for what you guys fight. If he was with us for a couple of months and then placed into the League, it would be a much smoother experience," Nightwing suggested.

"Listen, son, what Clark says is right, and him being with Clark would be better suited, as Clark is trying to temper Barnes into not killing or stop using guns at all," Batman added.

Nightwing nodded before returning to the Batwing and leaving the Fortress of Solitude. Doomguy watched as Nightwing departed, finishing his inspection of his new guns before jumping up to speak with Batman and Superman.

"So what's next?" Doomguy asked.

"Well, all you did was inspect them; it's time to shoot with them," Batman said, glancing at Superman, who indicated that he wasn't willing to be Doomguy's target practice.

---Sometime later outside the Fortress of Solitude---

The entire Justice League awaited, with Superman wearing a different bodysuit covered in sensors to signal where Doomguy hit him.

"Bats, I have to give it to you; you know some absurd ways to train people to their fullest potential," Flash chuckled before turning to Doomguy. "Buddy, just set the projectiles to the level of someone normal using them," he warned, advising Doomguy not to overclock the damage output.

Superman took off, and Doomguy immediately began shooting at him with his heavy cannon. He led the shots far out, beyond his scope's view. Superman, flying at supersonic speeds, attempted evasive maneuvers but still ended up getting hit.

Though it wasn't painful, the impacts felt more like hail hitting him, which was still humiliating. As Superman accelerated, he was hit less frequently.

He ascended to gain altitude before pointing himself straight at Doomguy. Doomguy switched to his plasma rifle for faster bullet velocity, forcing Superman to use his heat vision to destroy the plasma blasts. Doomguy then switched to the minigun, shouting, "Accuracy through volume!" as he unleashed a barrage.

Superman was hit again, but he managed to destroy some of the bullets with his heat vision. Just before contact, Batman commanded them to stop.

"This exercise goes to show that Barnes has excellent marksmanship, even hitting a small target from several kilometers out at supersonic speeds," Batman complimented Doomguy.

---Lex tower---

Lex Luthor watches a zoomed in and enhanced video of Doomguy and Superman from a satellite that he keeps specifically over the fortress of solitude in order to keep track of the man of steels activities.

He knows that there's a huge chance of Doomguy being in the same city as he is and just the mere thought of that was already giving him headaches but he has several aces up his sleeve in the case that happens.

"Is something wrong, sir?" Mercy Graves asks her boss.

"No, Mercy but tell me something, when I wrote that file on how acts of violence can correlate to a weak, sensitive mindset, there were no Leaguers that were brutal as their new recruit" Lex asks for a reminder with a smug grin.

"Yes, you wrote it because you couldn't get superman to kill you no matter how hard you tried" Mercy replies, reminding Luthor of his reasoning to writing that file.

He tightens his tie as he looks at Mercy with a grin across his face"Then get a message out to everyone that we have ever been in contact with, this might be our chance to rid the league"

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