VIII. Price's Office

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Their training area looks so different from ours that it's almost distracting. I would take my time staring at all the surroundings, the endless plants climbing up the walls, though I'm about to prove my worth to Price.

I stand on the training mat that looks brand new, my muscles flexing as I prepare to face Ghost.

He steps forward, his skull mask concealing any hint of emotion, still. We circle each other, tension crackling in the air.

From the corner of my eye, I see Ace, standing at the edge of the mat as she watches with an air of curiosity, her arms crossed. I can feel her gaze on the two of us, but I don't let it distract me. I've trained for years for moments like these.

Ghost makes the first move, launching into a swift kick. I block it with ease, then counter with a series of quick jabs. He dodges and weaves, our movements flowing together like a deadly dance.

From the sidelines, the others watch in varying degrees of amusement and interest. Price remains stoic, his arms crossed, while Gaz and Keegan exchange playful banter.

Keegan leans in toward Gaz, trying at a whisper but clearly failing. "Think she can take him?"

Gaz smirks. "Nah, man. Five on Ghost."

Keegan snickers. "Five on her," he says, offering a fistbump to Gaz.

"Bidding on the wrong one, Garrick," I say, loud enough for them to hear even though I keep my gaze solely focused on Ghost.

"—What?" Gaz straightens his shoulders. "How does she know my name..?" I hear him whisper.


Ghost and I continue to circle each other in the training area, our movements precise and measured. The air is thick with anticipation, and the onlookers' hushed whispers add to the tension.

I make my own move now, lunging forward with a swift punch aimed at his chest. He effortlessly dodges, stepping to the side with fluid grace. In response, he delivers a lightning-fast kick that I narrowly evade by hopping backward.

We're somehow evenly matched, and every move feels like a strategic dance.

Because even though I'm strong, I know I can't win from him with just strength. I'm not insecure at all. I'm just realistic. So strategic moves it is.

My heart pounds in my chest as I block Ghost's powerful strikes. He's relentless, and his punches and kicks come at me from all angles.

I can't afford to slip up.

I manage to land a few solid blows of my own, hitting him in the ribs and shoulder. He grunts in pain, but his masked expression reveals nothing.

Ghost counters with a spinning back kick that nearly connects with my face, forcing me to duck and roll out of harm's way.

The fight rages on, and our bodies move in a blur of motion. I feel the burn in my muscles, the ache in my bones, but I refuse to let it slow me down.

With a swift combination of strikes, I manage to surprise him Ghost, sending his large frame stumbling back. For a moment, I have the upper hand, and I seize the opportunity to pin him to the mat. Straddling him, I feel a surge of triumph as I hold him down. The seconds tick by as I maintain my hold, trying to catch my breath.

After a few seconds, I can tell he's not fighting back.

"Jesus," Ace's applause breaks the silence, and I shoot her a quick, appreciative nod.

Ghost grumbles under his breath, his voice barely audible but laced with disdain. "Lucky shot," he growls, making it clear he doesn't enjoy the humiliation.

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