XIV. Vanished From The System

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The footsteps passing by just outside the room have me even more on edge, but my blood pressure slowly goes down as the sounds fade out, leaving me with my thoughts again.

I hadn't been able to let it go. Of course I couldn't. He couldn't expect me to.

Finding out Keegan was somehow involved and tangled up with some shit from my past wasn't something to just 'let go', no matter how much he'd beg me not to look into it.

Seeing that picture of him with my father was like nearing the end of the puzzle, only to find out you're missing one piece. I could remember some bits and pieces, some faint memories of having played with a boy just a little above my age. Those piercing blue eyes were recognizable, even after not having seen him in a little more than ten years.

I continue to rummage through the endless drawers of files, my frustration growing with each passing second. The office is a maze of dusty cabinets, a labyrinth of secrets and stories that remain untold.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, I stumble upon a file labeled "Keegan Russ."

My heart races as I pull it out, expecting to find a treasure trove of information about his time at my old base, about his connection to my past. But as I begin to read, my hope dwindles.

The file is disappointingly ordinary.

It details Keegan's service record, his deployments, and commendations, but there's nothing that ties him to my old base, nothing that hints at our shared history. According to this file, he has never been stationed there.

That's impossible.

Had it been falsified?

There's no doubt in my mind that Keegan has been at that base, that he has known my family, that he has been a part of my life in some way.

But here, in black and white, it seems as though he has never set foot on those grounds.

I close the file, my mind racing with questions and doubts.

Why would someone go to the trouble of falsifying Keegan's service record?

What are they trying to hide?

Who has the power and influence to manipulate military records in such a way?

Did he do it himself?

A sense of unease settles over me as I realize that I'm wading into dangerous waters. I quickly put the file back in its place, trying to leave no trace of my intrusion, and make my way out of the office before anyone notices.

As I walk away from that room filled with secrets, my mind is left with more questions than when I entered. But one thing is clear—This only makes me want to dig deeper.


Passing Canmoore's office, my senses prick with awareness as I feel the tracking device concealed beneath my watch's wristbands. I discreetly adjust it, not wanting to arouse any suspicion.

Price had allowed me to go to my old base once again, as I needed to keep Canmoore from growing suspicious even more. And even though the man wasn't one to check on my whereabouts every hour of the day, it was hard to be gone.

Especially with the others running around the base.

Since my return, people have grown increasingly wary of me, forcing me to be more cautious than ever. I can't do stupid shit. I can't go digging into stuff that's not my business anymore.

Before I follow my own advice, though, I feel compelled to investigate our own files, hoping to find any trace of Keegan. Carter's footsteps echo alongside mine as we traverse dimly lit corridors. He's been keeping a close eye on recent developments, especially those involving me.

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