IX. A restless night

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I twist and turn in my narrow bed, the unfamiliar surroundings making it impossible to find a comfortable position. The mattress is stiff and unforgiving, a far cry from the one I was used to back at my own base which has gone up into flames.

The sound of distant footsteps and hushed voices echoes through the walls, reminding me that I'm surrounded by no one but strangers.

I don't particularly feel lonely, though. It has been like this forever. I grew up having to be there for myself. I don't mind being alone.

Not having to rely on anyone but myself has been... safe, in a way. The only one who I could really count on was Carter.

With a sigh, I reluctantly sit up in bed. Sleep eludes me tonight, just like it has for the past few nights since I arrived here. My mind is a whirlwind of thoughts and plans, making it impossible to quiet the racing thoughts that keep me awake.

I glance around the room, taking in the dimly lit space. The moonlight filters through a small window, casting shadows on the walls. The silence is heavy, broken only by the distant hum of lights somewhere in the hallway right outside the door.

As I sit up straight, my hand instinctively goes to my side where I've hidden a small pocket knife. It's a precautionary measure I've managed to keep hidden even after they checked me.

I rise from the bed, careful not to make a sound. Although stealth is ingrained in my training, I can't help but feel like an intruder in this place ever since they unlocked my door.

I promised Soap not to sneak around when he told me he'd leave my door unlocked. But I can't. I can't physically stay forced in that room for hours on end.

The hallway outside my room is dimly lit, and the silence is heavy, broken only by the distant hums and the sound of the wind against the building.

As I silently tread the dimly lit hallways of the base, I'm acutely aware that I'm not supposed to be up and about. Every step I take feels like a ticking time bomb, ready to alert someone to my presence.

The silence of the night only serves to accentuate the stillness, making the clandestine nature of my late-night roam all the more apparent.

There's a different type of beauty to the base in the dead of night, as the soft, ambient lighting casts elongated shadows that dance along the walls. The metal framework of the building seems to sigh with each gust of wind outside, adding to the sense of being an intruder in this hallowed space.

I've always been fascinated with the night and the darkness that comes with it. Its obscurity, its mysteries – they resonate with a part of my being that craves the unknown.

Something about the way it forces me to hold my breath each time I stare into another dark hallway that has turned into nothing more than a black hole just captures me.

Focus. Don't get lost in your thoughts.

Despite the tension in the air, I maintain an air of unshakable confidence. I've navigated through countless perilous situations, and this escapade is just another chess move in the grand game I've been thrown into.

My instincts have saved me before, and I trust them to do so again tonight.

With every corner I turn, I keep my senses on high alert, fully aware that any noise, any misstep could be the end of me. My eyes scan every shadow, every nook, as I seek the information that could bring about a shift in the balance of power.

As I make my way through the maze-like passages, I can't help but wonder about the others—my temporary 'allies'.

Are they sleeping soundly, oblivious to my nocturnal escapade, or are they, too, wandering these same halls?

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