XXX. After Hours

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I've been feeling unsure of my position for the past two days.

Nothing but doubt had been clouding my judgement, and I hate myself for getting into this position in the first place.

Soap had asked if I was doing okay three times in one hour, and I was forced to tell him everything was fine. I hid myself in the lab one day, acting as though I was trying to help Liam. Luckily, Soap was sent out on a mission that evening.

Now, he's back, and I've found myself sitting at the very back of the gym, still feeling lost but drawn to him at the same time as he's deep in conversation with the others.

"Your apartment is not big enough for all of us," I hear Ace mumble from the other side of the room.

From my peripheral vision, I can see Soap straightening his back. "Yeah, it is. You can sit on his lap," he says, pointing towards Ghost, who's not focused on the conversation.

"Do we need to bring something?" Keegan steps in, placing a rather large dumbbell back on the rack.

"I'm not buying you liquor, so bring your own," Soap responds.

Liquor? What were they planning on doing?

I keep my eyes on my legs as I slide into the seat of the leg press. I'm not joining this conversation, and I'm not sure if I'm welcome in the first place. I get my feet up on the platform, shoulder width apart, before pulling off the safety handles.

I exhale deeply as I begin another set on the leg press. The weight feels heavier, or maybe I'm just distracted, causing a weakened mind-muscle connection. My muscles strain, and I can feel the tension building in my thighs as my hearing slightly fades away. Beads of sweat start to form on my forehead as I push the platform away, my breath steady and controlled. The pressure intensifies with each repetition. I focus on the rhythmic motion, trying to drown out the snippets of conversation that reach my ears.

As I lower the platform, eavesdropping becomes inevitable. Soap's voice cuts through the ambient noise, his words drawing my attention.

"We need to be prepared for whatever comes next. Ghost, check the message and let me know if anything seems off," Soap instructs, his tone carrying a weight of responsibility.

Ace, with a hint of boredom, responds, "I still don't get why we can't just have a normal night for once."

Ghost finally tunes into the conversation, "Define 'normal night.'"

Soap chuckles, the sound making me feel some type of way, "No explosions? Boring."

Keegan interjects, "I'm out of here. I'll see you guys tonight."

Soap offers him a fistbump and then Keegan is gone. Gaz follows him out, and it only takes a few more minutes for Ghost and Ace to finish up in the gym too.

It's just Soap and myself left now.

Still trying to act like I haven't heard their conversation, I prepare for another set. But right when I want to continue, Soap comes my way.

"I haven't talked to you all day," he says, sitting down on the other empty leg press right beside the one I'm occupying.

"Makes sense," I say smiling, but not looking at him yet. "You've been away all day."

"True," he says, leaning his elbows on his thighs, making it clear that he has no intention of using the machine he's seated on.

I press my lips together, forcing a smile when I realize he's not going to ask me to join them tonight. It's not like I was expecting him to. It shouldn't bother me, yet a small part of me had hoped for it

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