X. Three Dots, One Stripe

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"I don't need to be taught by one of your men, Price," I complain, not wanting to be anywhere near Keegan at this point. The bastard is way too cocky for my liking. So much so that even Ghost is better to be around. "Besides, didn't you say I'd start with Soap and Ace?"

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you still part of this little thing we had going on?" Price says, swinging his hand between the two of us, clearly unbothered. "Or would you rather have someone kill you right here right now? We could make that happen, trust me."

I chew on the inside of my cheek. It's like he's doing it on fucking purpose. "I don't need your men to teach me things," I put on a forced smile, knowing Price can handle it.

"I know you don't," he says, his gaze dropping back down to his hands as he continues with whatever he is doing. "Which is exactly why you're just going to do as I say."

My jaw clenches and a slight twinge of anger rises to the surface from the way in which he formed the sentence. My tongue darts over the front of my teeth, still hidden beneath my closed lips as I take a moment to think of what to do next. "You're wasting time with this," I say once, before turning back to walk away.

I hear him sigh in amusement, but as I shut the door behind me, the voices of the others replace the captain's presence.

"Alexa," Gaz mutters, his voice nonchalant. "What's the weather like today?"

From the corner, Keegan snorts out a laugh. My head snaps towards his direction, my eyes squinting slightly. "Later today it will be raining with Keegan's tears. You might want to grab an umbrella when going out."

Gaz shows a toothy smile as Soap leans forward in a laugh. "Good one. Don't kill him, Alex," he continues, his face suddenly serious with that last sentence.

I walk out before I start saying more stupid stuff, but Keegan jogs a few steps to keep up.

"That was uncalled for," he mutters once we pass through multiple sets of doors.

He passes me and I let my gaze linger on him, his brows furrowed as he looks down at me. He doesn't say anything else, though.

"What is it with this tough act you're keeping up?" I tip my chin up at him to challenge him a little. "I mean, I get that maybe you were jealous of Ghost or whatever, but at least he's actually somewhat intimidating. You just have a bloody big mouth."

He squints slightly, apparently not expecting me to suddenly talk so much. "Could ask you the same thing. What's up with you and this 'no one can hurt me' persona? Hmm?"

Neither of us blink as we stare at each other, and I'm quite unsure of what to respond. It takes me a minute to try and come up with some snarky comment to give him back, but I can't. Something about the moment has me blacking out.

"This shit is useless.." I mutter, breaking eye contact first before turning around to continue to the shooting range.

"What is?" Keegan asks before he shoves over one of the guns.

"Nothing. Forget it," I say as I check the mag.

As I watch Keegan prepare his guns too, my eyes inadvertently wander over to a sliver of skin on the inside of his wrist, peeking out from underneath his gear. My eyes immediately land on something hidden beneath his gear.

It's just a small tattoo, barely noticeable, but my heartbeat quickens as I take in the inked design.

Without thinking, I step closer to him, my fingers reaching out to grab his wrist. But he reacts quicker than I expect, pulling his arm away with furrowed brows, his eyes locking onto mine with a mix of surprise and irritation.

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