XXIII. The Old Office

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While strapping the holster around my thigh as tight as I can, my eyes flicker up when I feel someone is watching me. I look in the mirror and find Keegan's eyes on me as he too is getting ready for the mission.

You believe anything your daddy said.

The sentence had been echoing in my head the entire night, and I'm still clueless as to what he meant by it. All I know is that he's either bluffing, or that he knows something I don't.

"I wouldn't mind if you got shot," Ghost grumbles, reaching over to grab one of the guns behind me. As he retrieves, I see an amusing glint in his eyes.

I scoff out a chuckle. "Me too. In fact, I hope I do so I don't have to deal with you anymore, Simon."

"—How," he stills, his fist clenching as he hears me say his first name.

"Didn't I tell you? I know everything," I offer him a confident smile.

He shakes his head in disapproval, his once amusement-filled eyes now hidden behind a furrowed expression. "Do not call me that."

"Fine, princess," I laugh. "That one is sticking though, just so you know."

Ghost's fingers tense around the gun he'd just picked up. He leans in closer, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You really think you're clever, don't you? You won't be around long enough to make it stick."

I roll my eyes, maintaining my defiant grin. "You know damn well I'm coming right back. Always."

Ghost's eyes turn into slits as he squints at me. "Just like your incessant chatter. Annoying as fuck."

I arch an eyebrow. "And yet, here you are, willingly engaging in a conversation with me. It's almost as if you enjoy it."

Simon's jaw tightens beneath his mask, his eyes narrowing at me. "You don't know anything about what I enjoy."

I can feel my eyes lighten up as the perfect opportunity for a comment arises. I raise a single eyebrow, my whole expression turning into a challenging one as I steal another glance at Ace.

"Really? Because Ace and I get along pretty well.. And you know how women are. We just loooove sharing things. Don't we, Ace?"

Ace chuckles in response, clearly aware of the playful banter. "Oh, absolutely. We've been having a blast."

Ghost lets out an exasperated sigh, clearly irritated by the teasing. "You're both insufferable."

I step closer to Ace, exaggerating my playful tone. "See, princess. Ace and I know how to have a good time. Maybe you should loosen up a bit. Get rid of that stick up your arse and everything?"

Ghost clenches his jaw again and doesn't say another word, his irritation more than clear. It's hard not to enjoy this little game, to see how easily I could get under his skin. He's not as tough as he thinks he is.

As Ace and I share a conspiratorial look, we both know that we're just having a little fun at Ghost's expense. She's a good one, and I appreciate that she can joke around a bit too.

"You ready?" Ace asks with a lingering smile.

"Of course," I nod confidently, her smile contagious.

"—Alex," Soap's voice pulls me out of it.

My body has an odd reaction to his voice. It's like I'm suddenly nervous. The effect of his presence on me is unlike anything I've experienced. My heart seems to skip a beat, and my breath catches for a moment.

I offer Soap a small, somewhat sheepish smile, my voice coming out a tad softer than I intended. "Yeah, what's up?"

"Are you alright?" he asks softly, his gaze locked onto mine.

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