LI. Purple

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I'm propped up onto my elbows, looking up at Johnny as he works to undo his belt. It's a sight I never get enough of, especially when there's no shirt to hide his incredible body.

My tongue runs over my teeth as I try to keep myself from smiling, or blushing, or anything for that matter, but when I feel the heat rising to my cheeks, I know I'm failing.

Johnny gives me a half-cocky smirk that drives me insane in return, before unbuttoning his pants, his belt already hanging open. But instead of continuing, he leans forward, hands placed on either side of me as he leans over me.

I ease back slightly, granting him room before he claims my lips once more. Those slightly pink lips sealed over mine, slanted, wet, taking mine completely and totally.

He presses our mouths together like they are meant to be like that.

Like they always were.

I open my mouth when his tongue traces the seam of my lips, and with the first caress of his tongue over mine, every thread of restraint unravels. It simply disappears.

My hands wrap around his body, pulling him closer as his mouth dips to my jaw, then to my neck, then back up. But when he pulls away just slightly, I decide to do something else too.

I grip his jaw, angling his head just enough so that I can aim towards his neck. I start with some soft kisses, but it doesn't take me too long to switch over to wet, sloppy kisses.

His breathing becomes heavier, body leaning closer into mine which causes his weight to shift. It's when my teeth graze against his skin that he physically shudders, so I continue, biting him softly when he pushes his hips into mine.

He groans in response, tipping his head back to give me even more room. So I open my mouth wider, taking more of his neck into my mouth, his skin soft and the lingering scent of washed-off cologne still present, mixed in with his own perfect scent. I drag my tongue across his throat, trying to savor the taste of his slightly salty skin.

"Jesus," he hisses through his teeth when I start sucking on his skin, too hard to keep it from bruising soon. And even though he knows damn well it could get us in trouble, he lets me do it for a good moment.

Then, he pulls back, a faint pop accompanying the separation of my lips and his wet, hot skin. "Careful, pretty," he looks down at me, smirk still evident. "You're going to leave a mark that'll be hard to explain."

Before I have the time to respond, his mouth is back on my skin in return. He doesn't seem to care about the marks he's leaving on me, but he places them strategically, using my collarbone as his canvas. But I open my mouth, wanting to say the words I hope will do something to him too. "You just—" I start, breathing heavily. "—taste too good."

A tingling sensation courses through my skin as he intensifies his suction. Yet, I don't intervene, opting instead to reach down and grasp the waistband of his pants. With a gentle tug, I guide them down his hips, revealing him in his boxers. His labored breaths send shivers down my spine, raising goosebumps across my entire body.

"God, Alex," he groans low. "I love the way your body responds to me."

In between rough and sloppy kisses, low and needy moans sound from his throat. The sound travels straight through me and it causes an ache to build beneath my bones, an emptiness that begs to be filled.

I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him further up the bed. In response, he snakes an arm beneath my body, pulling me flush against his chest with ease before he carries me a bit further up on the bed.

He releases me, hand lowering to the hem of my top that had slipped down before he snakes his hand beneath the fabric once again. His rough calloused hand finds my waist as his lips continue placing kisses and marks on my skin.

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