New life

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It's a new life. A fresh start. Like saying goodbye to the old lifestyle of boring ABBIE. It's the new me the real ,e the one I have been trying to deny for so long but here she is.
"Ian yay your here" I jumped into his arms at the LA airport not giving a single duck wether paparazzi claims us as a couple even though we're just best friends from Minnesota.
"Abbie my girl same as you left....amazing"
"Awe u da best" I poked his face.
We hopped into the cab,
"So how's the breakup with Sammy?"
"Ew that drunken asshole? So done"
"Abbie...was he really a drunken ass hole?"
"Fine...he wasn't...he was mostly great I guess and I miss him more then anything but at this point I'm choosing pride over pity and following my mind because my heart always gets me In shitty situations"
"Hey do me a favor and follow your heart? 100000 percent better to do I always gets better."
"I don't know...Pretty sure he's over me"
"Time to hit da biggest party in LA Abbie....looked fresh?"
"hell yeah" I said raising my cup "let's call an über and get drunk tonight.. I need it" I said
"ah gotta love the new Abbie" Liam said.
Once we arrived at the party i was pretty drunk and not feeling well and was about to puke. I ran into the omly bathroom there.. Without knocking.
"um excuse me it's occupied"
But I was already in...and it was Sammy in there.c
"Oh Abbie" he said as he dried off his hands "not feeling well?"
I puked. All over the toilet.
"Holy shit I'm sorry" I wiped my mouth "I'm just gonna go back to the party now"
"No no not like this Abbie your a mess and this isn't you I should take you home"
"No really Sam I need to loosen up more take some more shots In life"
"Abbie don't change because of my asshole drunken remarks" he said "Please your pretty badass the way you are".
I sat down against the wall. He did the same.
"Abbie I'm so sorry it was so rude of me I treated you like shit. Calling you a side hoe? If I was a drunken honest I wouldn't have cried for three days straight"
"what??? Tough boy wilkinson cried??? Over me"
"How could I not? He said s,ilimg.
I laughed them tried to hide my smile realizing the oath I'm falling back into.
"Ya know I'm gonna go" I stood up quickly "bye wilk"
"oh hell no not in your condition" he stood up and grabbed me "I'm bringing you home"
We rode in silence but his hand was on me and I felt whole. Again. I hadn't felt this way in forever but it's never felt so good.
I unlocked the door with my secret key under the mat. Cliche right? We walked into my bedroom and Casey was sleeping over at Ethan her boyfriends.
I walked into my room and jumped and laid on the bed.
"Well now that your here safe I'm gonna head out c u later Hansen"
"Wait wilkinson before you go" I giggled "I have a secret"
"And what's that he asked?"
"I have a fear of being alone in la by myself in a sketchy apartment complex."
"So your saying?"
"I'm saying I need you. Here. Tonight. Next to me."
He climbed into bed next to me and we turned off the lights.
"Good night wilk".

And mo nothing happened that night and I'm glad. But what did happen was ,y heart felt together again. Happy. Amazing. AMD this time I was 90% sure it wasn't lust. But did he feel the same way again......

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