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Pov Wilhelm
"It's next weekend. Are you coming?" Lia looks at me questioningly. She wants to drag me to some festival. I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know" "Oh boy. Wilhelm!" if I know something, it's that she's pretty annoyed when she calls me like that.

"I really have no idea. Maybe I have some meetings" I try to defend myself. "You don't" Mom says from across the room. Great. And I already had hopes.

I don't like a lot of people. And it's supposed to be really hot on the weekend and I don't really want to do that.

"Go with her" Mom comes to us. I grimace. "It won't be that bad" it goes on like this for a few more minutes, then I say yes, but only because I realized that I have no other choice.

For the next few days I go from meeting to meeting, I only live from coffee, energy drinks and chewing gum and I sleep maybe four hours a night. So nothing special happens.

The night before the festival I don't sleep at all. I try, but I just can't. At four in the morning I sit on the balcony in a beanbag, hoping to get tired. However, this works rather well. I get a little tired, but not enough to sleep.

So I look at the stars and think. And actually I hate that, the thinking. Because around this time I always rethink every decision I've ever made, which isn't really pleasant. But the most present topic in my mind right now is Lia.

Now I really regret getting together with her. I like her and she's really nice too. But I don't love her anymore. Did I even love her? Probably not.

Somehow everyone wanted us to get together, so I just asked her. But the decision was not right. I think so. At the beginning I thought that this was still to come, like being really in love and all that. Five years have passed since then and it hasn't happened that way. I just wanted to please my parents. Does that sound logical? I don't think so.

I'm so lost in thought that I don't notice how tired I am until I finally fall asleep.

"Good morning, my darling" I slowly open my eyes. Lia stands in front of me. Apparently I fell asleep in the bean bag. "Hey" I smile sleepily at her.

"Couldn't you fall asleep again?" I nod. "Mhm" she holds out a cup of coffee to me. "I would have let you sleep longer, but we have to go now" she sits on the floor next to me. "Thank you anyway" I kiss her briefly and then take a long sip from the cup.

A few minutes later I get dressed, Lia does her hair and then we head out. We say a quick goodbye to mom and then get in the car.

After a few minutes I ask: "Who is actually playing today?" Lia takes her phone out of her purse and starts reading. All fairly famous artists, but still relatively unknown to me. When it comes to a band, however, I hesitate.

"Who all belong to it?" I look at her questioningly.
Hopefully just not him.
Hopefully not him.
Please not him.
Please don't.

She begins to read the names one by one. After Alejandro Fernández comes Simon Eriksson.


He is there. Maybe I'll see him. Or is that good? I don't know it. I haven't seen him in far too long. "Is everything okay with you?" Lia looks at me worried. "Yes, everything's fine." That was a lie, but luckily she doesn't ask any more questions.

After a few more minutes of driving, the car slowly stops. "Come on" Lia pulls me out, overly motivated.

We walk through the backstage area with Malin and Oskar. In my opinion, Lia lets out her extroverted side far too much.

The moment I think that, she stops and talks to a woman. I know her from somewhere, but I don't know exactly where. I stand next to them, half-listening and looking around.

It has a lot of people. Hopefully I'll survive today. My eyes wander further and stop at someone.

No doubt.

I would recognize him no matter what. Simon seems to have noticed my look because he turns around.

He stares at me. I stare at him. He turns away again, somewhat shocked. He's still so beautiful. Wilhelm! Don't think like that, you have a girlfriend. By the way, she looks at me questioningly and I have no idea why.

"I... uh..." I stutter. "So you weren't listening to me" "Sorry, I was in thoughts. I'm really sorry" she takes my hand. "It’s not that important" she smiles.

"But what were you actually thinking?" "I... saw someone. It's not that important too" we move on.

Before we go to far away, I turn around again. Simon is currently following us with someone else, I don't think it's because of me though, they're probably going to their tent or something, I don't know.

What I do know is that Simon is staring at me again. Our eyes meet for a brief moment and that moment triggers something in me. I can't say exactly what, but it feels good. At least somehow.

We're now standing in a separate area in front of the stage and I feel absolutely shitty. It's pretty hot and I haven't eaten or drunk much today, also we need to stand here, so the conditions are ideal.

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