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An hour later, what I just said is on TV. It was one of the first speeches that I was allowed to help with because it was very important to me. Besides the rather unimportant things, this was one of the most important parts of the speech:

'The one in the video that went viral years ago was me. There were many reasons why I said no to it at the time, but there were also many reasons why I didn't actually want to do it. Still, I realized it was important to do it. Simon and I never imagined that this would be repeated in any way, but it has. We also have a right to a little privacy, at least enough so that something like this doesn't become public through secretly taken photos. Even if many people aren't necessarily enthusiastic about it. I love him. A man. And just because I'm a crown prince doesn't mean I can't be queer too. Everyone, absolutely everyone, has the right to be and love whoever they want and should not be afraid of being treated homophobic or transphobic just because they don't conform to the norms. I thank everyone who supports us and I really hope that more people will dare to come out in the future.'

Pov Simon
A few weeks later, Alejandro, Mikko, Rob and I are invited to a premiere for a film. Interviews are done on the red carpet and the only questions I keep getting asked are questions about Wille's and my relationship. I basically answer all questions about this with: "I love him. We are happy. The public doesn't need to know anything more" because it is the truth and I am not allowed to say more.

Wille and I are in Bjärstad at Mom's for the weekend. We are currently sitting next to each other in a meadow and watching the sunset.

"Have I ever told you how proud I am of you?" Wille looks at me questioningly. "Three times every week, but you're welcome to repeat it again and again, because I love it" I kiss him, grinning.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" he puts an arm around me. "You say it every time I tell you that I'm proud of you, so three times every week, but you can also say it more often" he ruffles my hair with a grin. "I love you so much" "I love you too" I lean my head on his shoulder.

"We were quite stupid as teenagers, weren't we?" "Yes, a little big bit" we laugh.

I love this man more than anything.

The end

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