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I lean against a wall with my arms crossed and wait for my grandma, who should be coming any moment. In the last few minutes here at the airport, I was spoken to several times, but today I actually didn't find it that annoying, it was actually really nice.

"Simon, my boy" I look in the direction I heard it from. "Nana, hey" I give her a quick hug. Nana was once a creation of Sara, and since then we've all had to use this nickname for her. "You look good" "Thank you" I smile. "May I help you?" she nods. I take her suitcase and we go out together.

On the way out, someone speaks to me and Nana watches proudly as we take a photo together. At the parking lot I load her luggage into the trunk and help her get in.

Pov Wilhelm
"So, tomorrow the statement will be recorded and published in a week, did I understand that correctly?" I look questioningly at mom. "Yes, you did" "Great" I smile. This is actually the first statement that I'm motivated to make.

It sounds like I want to get rid of Lia as quickly as possible, but that's actually not true. I like Lia and I definitely still want to have contact with her because she is important to me, but not on a romantic level, but more on a friendly level and everyone should know that. Plus it feels weird having something going on with Simon when everyone still thinks I'm with Lia.

"By the way, you’re going to tell August today" Mom pulls me out of my thoughts. "Why? My relationship is none of his business" "But he is your reserve and he has the right to find out about something like that before the public" I sit back annoyed. I'm actually surprised she hasn't told him by herself.

I'm still in the middle of a meeting with ten other people, but I still take my phone out of my pocket and open the chat with August. After thinking for a moment, I type a message.

- Lia and I broke up about two weeks ago. I definitely wouldn't be texting this to you if Mom hadn't said I had to.

~ Are you guys stupid?

It comes as an answer a few hours later.

- No, we are reasonable

~ Not at all
~ Does Simon have anything to do with it?

- Firstly, it's definitely none of your business
- Secondly, and if so, where would be the problem?

~ You are Crown Prince for the thousandth time
~You can't break up with your girlfriend just because of a boy

- I can

~ No

- Yes

I block him. Maybe I'll undo it if I have to tell him that Simon and I have something going on, just maybe of course. Speaking of Simon, I have an unread message from him.

~ Mom sends greetings

I answer him with

- Thanks. Greetings back

Over the next few days we text each other quite a bit and talk on the phone in every free minute. Unfortunately we never really see each other because Simon has a lot to do and so do I.

I'm standing at the fridge and just taking out some yoghurt when my door opens and Simon comes in. He closes it behind him and lets his head fall on my shoulder. "Uh... hello" I say irritated. I put the yogurt down and wrap my arms around him.

"That shitty journalist got on my nerves so much" he says quietly. Apparently he's talking about the interview he just had. I rub his back. After a while he says: "Thanks, I just needed that." I press a quick kiss to his temple with a smile.

"How did you actually get in?" I look at him questioningly. "As we all know, Malin knows me. She let me in without any problem or questions" he grins.

"What exactly was going on?" I slowly run my fingers through Simon's curls. We sit on the sofa. He leans his head on my shoulder and sighs.

"There are just questions I don’t want to answer." "Understandable" I smile briefly. "And if I then say that I don't want to answer the question, then I don't want to answer the question. Then that's not an invitation to ask more questions like that, is it?" I nod. "Definitely. But unfortunately there are people who are a little slow of mind." "I know." Silence. But it's a comfortable silence, it's not a bit akward.

"What kind of question was it?" I ask after a while. "He wanted to know what my girlfriend’s name was" he turns to me. "I've never mentioned that I'm in a relationship. Plus there's a damn video of me having sex with you, a boy, and despite it everyone assumes I have a girlfriend."

"Sometimes I really wonder how stupid people can be" I shake my head and pull Simon closer to me. "I hate it so much" I kiss his hair softly. "I hate it too"

Pov Simon
"And you really didn't mind me sleeping here again?" "Why should I care?!" Wille smiles. "You can sleep here anytime you want" he comes to me and puts his hands on my hips.

"Thank you for letting me come to yours" I kiss him. "No problem" he slowly lets me go again. "Do you have time this afternoon?" I nod. "I think so, yes. Why?" "Surprise" great. I love surprises. Do I look like that? I hate them almost as much as August.

His phone rings. He looks at it. "Felice. Do you mind if I talk to her for a moment?" "No" I take a slice of bread and spread some butter on it. "Hey Felice" Wille sits down on the sofa.

While the two of them talk to each other, I eat my food quietly. Wille keeps looking over at me, smiling. At some point Felice asks where he always looks, he answers: "It's not that important" and then the topic seems to have been settled.

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