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"Do you have everything Wille?" Lia looks at me questioningly. "I think so" "Well then" she kisses me briefly. "Bye and don't talk nonsense" Simon shakes her hand. "We’ll doing our best" I grin. He takes his backpack and we walk together towards the exit.

"What do you actually have to do?" he asks, just before the exit. "Preparing for an interview in a few days" "Oh well" we're going out.

"How long will it take you?" I look at him questioningly. "About two hours" "Do you want to come with me?" I nod towards my car, which is parked behind a van with a few of my bodyguards in it. "Am I even allowed?" Simon asks hesitantly.

"It's my car and as long as you don't puke, I'm fine with giving you a ride." "Okay" he says slowly. "Get in, otherwise we’ll be late" I open the passenger door for him. "Thanks" we both get in and shortly afterwards we drive off.

"I'll let you out a little early. Journalists and stuff" I say to Simon. "Sure" he grins. "How are you getting home later?" I ask as I look intently at the road. "Alejandro should be there too, by car I mean"

"Okay. But if anything happens, I'll be here for the next two hours too. So just text me" I stop slowly. "I will. Thank you" he smiles. "No problem" I see in the rearview mirror as the car with the bodyguards also stops.

"Bye, see you sometime" "Bye" Simon gets out and as soon as the car door is closed again, I drive on.

Pov Simon
"Did you walked all the way?" Alejandro calls out to me, who is waiting in front of the building. "And where did you sleep anyway?" I hug him as a greeting.

"I was driven and where I slept isn't that important" I answer his questions. "Well, I think that's important. What if the person is actually a mass murderer and is targeting you?" "You’ve definitely watched too many horror movies" I reply, shaking my head.

"Because you made me do it!" says Alejandro indignantly. "Well first of all, you could still have said no, secondly, believe me, the person is definitely not a murderer" "And how do you know that?" "Do Wille and Lia look like they're going to kill me?! The only person I would trust to do that is Wille's mother" I say with a grin.

"You slept at theirs?! Are you serious?!" Alejandro looks at me with his mouth open. I nod. "I had no other option. Another topic. How the fuck do you always manage to look so rested after a night like that?!" "I have my methods" I put my arm around him and we walk towards the entrance.

"You have to explain it to me, please, because I don’t feel like asking Wille again if I can sleep at his." "It wasn’t that bad" I take a deep breath. "He's my ex-boyfriend. He's also the Crown Prince of Sweden and she's his girlfriend, it's pretty weird sleeping on their couch, believe me."

Before he can say anything, we are greeted. We are led into a room where we are wired up, then we go into the studio.

After almost exactly two hours we are outside again. Without standing around outside, we go to Alejandro's car and get in, as it has a lot of fans and journalists.

Normally we would have taken a little time to talk to them, take photos and sign autographs, but Mikko and Rob should be picked up at the airport soon, I want to get my car today and we should go shopping food. Our fridge is almost empty and I actually really want to be alive, so it's just going to take time, as sorry as I am for everyone.

~ I'll pick up my car in about an hour

- I'll make sure you get in

~Thank you

We don't text each other for days. We haven't texting each other for so long that I've almost successfully repressed it. But then something comes up.

Pov Wilhelm
Panic attack, or whatever it is. Great. I absolutely hate it, especially when it happens in meetings. True, that's usually where it's most likely.

Lately it's been more and I don't know why. I generally don't know how to deal with it myself. Mom knows that I have it sometimes, but only because she's there every now and then, just when it happens in the meetings in question. Lia knows that it's getting worse, but nothing more, since she's hardly ever been there either. I wanted to spare her, that's why.

"Crown Prince?" one of mom's secretaries looks at me questioningly. "Yes?" I'm trying to seem normal, but I don't know if it's working. "What is your opinion?" shit. I didn't listen. Pull yourself together, Wilhelm! You'll be out of here in a few minutes anyway. "Are you okay?" now he looks at me worried.

And suddenly I notice how fast I'm actually breathing and how nervous I'm playing with my pen. "It... yes, everything's fine" I stutter. "You can go, we'll meet up and again tomorrow at the same time" says mom. I have no idea what she wants to achieve with this.

Just as I'm about to get up, she says, "Please stay a moment." After everyone is outside, she looks at me for a long time, then says: "What's wrong with you?". "What do you mean?" I ask between breaths. "Since that boy..." I interrupt her.

"His name is Simon" "I don't care what his name is. Since he showed up, you've been like a different person, in a negative sense. And now this... How do you say? Panic attack? It wouldn't be like that if you didn't spoke to him" I raise an eyebrow.

"You know" breathe. "That I've had this for a long time?!" breathe again. "But never so bad" "You have no idea. This" I make a hand gesture that includes my entire body. "Is still harmless" she continues to stare at me.

I'm starting to get a headache. "Can I go now please?" She seems to think for a moment, but then nods. I quickly go to our part of the palace and run into Lia's arms. "Wilhelm. Are you okay?"

I'm not saying anything because I'm not in a position to do so right now. Lia places her book on a small shelf. "I... don't know" I shrug.

Pov Simon
The music in the car is interrupted by a message I get on my phone. I'll take a quick look at it. Why is Lia texting me? I open the message.

- You've known Wille for a long time. How can I help him with some kind of panic attack? He doesn't want to talk about it
- Sorry, it was a pretty stupid idea to text you
- Just forget it

I quickly type a message, not entirely to the delight of the others. "Could you please turn the music back on?" "I will do it, wait a second"

~ It's okay, if I were you I probably would have done the exact same thing, as stupid as that may sound
~ Now to your question
~ Just try to make him as comfortable as possible
~ And talk to him, even if he doesn't answer, it calms him down

- Thanks

I look at my phone, smiling but also a little nervously, and turn the music back on. A few minutes later I get another message, this time from Wille.

- Thank you❤️

Apparently I'm grinning too hard because Alejandro looks at me questioningly. I make a dismissive hand gesture. "It's not that important" he raises his eyebrow and looks at me as if he knows exactly that I know that he will definitely ask me about it again today.

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