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Pov Simon
A few days have now passed since the encounter with Wille. The day after, he texted me briefly on Instagram and asked how I was doing and also said that his mother had caused a little bit of trouble just because we met.

Fuck monarchy, now for real. Why do things like kings and queens still exist? It's just unnecessary and annoying.

It's evening and I'm sitting at our dining room table reworking lyrics for a new song, that Mikko did.

I've been living with Alejandro for several years now and it's really nice living with him. Today he's at a party again and I have peace and quiet. I also go to parties from time to time, but less often than him.

I don't know, I don't really enjoy it. Above all, people who are usually pushy are even more pushy when they're drunk and I'm just not up for that. I hear a key in the lock. He's back already?! What kind of party was that?!

"Hey Simon" you can tell he's pretty drunk. He knows I don't like it but keeps doing it anyway. If he were my boyfriend, I would definitely make him drink less, but this way I let him have his fun.

A rather tall, blonde woman appears behind him. That's it for the peace. If I'm lucky, I'll get a few minutes of sleep next night. The walls here are very thin, I don't think I need to say more.

She comes to me and presses a kiss on my lips. Great. I force him to only bring sober people home, otherwise it can't be tolerated. I push her away and Alejandro notices, despite probably having a pretty high alcohol level, that I definitely don't feel well.

He pulls her into his room by one arm and locks the door. As soon as that happens, all the fun begins.

After half an hour I pick up my phone and text mom.

~ Alejandro brought someone home again
~ It's very loud
~ An I can't go to you now, it's taking too long

She answers me shortly afterwards.

- Until you get here, you'll even sleep at home

~ True
~ But where else can I go? Both Rob and Mikko aren't here and I don't have the keys to their apartments and I don't know anyone else around here

- Yes, you know someone

~ Mom!
~ I can't ask Wille, the Crown Prince and also my ex boyfriend, if I can randomly sleep on his couch in the palace. His mother has already written me off anyway and his girlfriend won't be too happy about it either

- Questions cost nothing

~ Don't come to me with your wisdom

- I'm serious

~Are you sure this is a good idea?

- Yes, I am.

I look at my phone skeptically. Should I really do this? What if he doesn't answer? What if I can't go? Then I kind of embarrassed myself, right? But mom says I should do it.

After a few minutes of back and forth, I finally decide to go for it. I slowly open our chat. Before I write anything, I take a deep breath and then start.

~ Wille?

I put my phone on the table next to me, put my headphones on and try to concentrate on my lyrics, which doesn't really work. After a while my phone vibrates.

- Yes?

I quickly type a message.

~ I have a little problem

- And can I help you with that?

~ Maybe, yes

- Tell me

~ I live with Alejandro
~ Alejandro was at a party today
~ Alejandro is back home
~ Alejandro has a special visitor
~ He has a lot of fun with said visit

- Sounds like you're having fun too

~ Totally

- And where can I help now?

~ Well, I have an interview tomorrow, pretty early, where I don't want to look like a walking corpse, and I also have to work on something for a new song

- And?

~ And I wanted to ask you if you have a spare sofa for one night?

- I actually do

~ Can I come?

- Wait a minute

That's exactly what I do. I put my phone back down and try to concentrate again and again it doesn't work the way I would like. Another new message. Again from Wille.

- I asked Lia
- It's okay for her
- Assuming you don't snore

~ Not me

- Do you need a driver?

~ No, I can drive by myself

- Great, you know the address
- And I'll make sure you get in

~Thank you

I get up and quickly pack a few things for the night and tomorrow. Before I leave, I write a short note for Alejandro so that he knows I slept somewhere else. Then I put on my shoes, put on a jacket and go out the door.

Pov Wilhelm
"He really doesn't need any more?" Lia first looks at me, then at the sofa, where there is a blanket and a pillow. "Believe me, he's absolutely happy with it" I grin. "Why is he running away from his roommate?"

"Alejandro has a visitor" she looks at me confused at first, then she seems to understand what I'm trying to get at. "Oh my God" a short time later Simon arrived and Lia went to bed. I myself eat something briefly and then go to sleep.

Simon and I realized that we have to go to almost the same building at almost the same time tomorrow. So tomorrow we might be out together.

Over the last few days I've been able to convince Mom that a statement is absolutely not necessary, because what can I say about the pictures? Besides, we just ran into each other, that happens quite often. But she still doesn't really want us to meet, also on the grounds that it could harm Simon too.

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