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She's been listening with her mouth open the whole time and now slowly walks Aries back to her desk to sit down. "Um... I..." she stutters.

"You love him?" I nod. "Are you sure?" I nod again. "And you're sure your relationship is a good idea?" "For us it is, for other things probably less so" "Good" good?! What happened to her?! Is that still my mother?

"I have to sort out a few things. Back here in two hours and bring him with you" she says, surprisingly calm and nice. Somehow she's so scary to me. "Okay... I can get it set up" I say a little confused. "Great, see you later" she smiles.


"Bye" I turn around and slowly walk out.

When I get back upstairs, I sit on the sofa and pick up my phone. Telling Mom today was such a spontaneous decision that I didn't even tell Simon about it.

- I need the exact address of where you are right now

A few minutes later I get a message from him.

~ Why?

- It's complicated
- Please just give it to me
- And before I forget
- You have to be ready to leave in an hour

~ Okay?
~ Should I be worried?

- No not really

He sends me the address and after a few phone calls everything is ready. I dress so that I can be seen outside and walk through the palace with Malin until we get outside.

There is already a car waiting in front of the door. Today I don't have the head to drive myself, but since I still want to pick Simon up, I organized a driver. I get in and then the car drives off.

After about twenty minutes, we arrived at the right place. My door is opened and I get out. I go in accompanied by Malin and Oskar.

Once inside there is Mikko, who is currently on the phone. They have a rehearsal today as they are going on tour in a week. When he sees me, he calls out: "Simon! Your Crown Prince friend is here" and goes back to his phone.

Shortly afterwards, Simon comes through a door with Alejandro and Rob. He smiles when he sees me and comes towards me without the others. Right now I don't care if the others see us, besides they are Simon's friends.

I hug him and say quietly: "I told my mother. She wants to see us both." Simon looks at me surprised. "How did she react?" "Surprisingly well, but also weird" "Okay... um..." he turns to the others. "I have to go, sorry" he picks up his backpack, which is on the floor next to us.

I take his hand and we walk like that to the exit. Then I let go of his hand again and turn around again because I want to see their looks. And their looks are great. I grin contentedly.

"Her Majesty sends word that you can go to her now." "Thank you Malin" I smile in her direction and slowly sit up. For the last few minutes I've been telling Simon exactly how everything happened because he wanted to hear it. Simon places a quick kiss on my lips. "We can do it" "We can do it"

Pov Simon
Shortly afterwards we are standing in front of Wille's mother's office. The door is open and she is sitting at the desk, his father is sitting next to her on a chair. We go in and Wille closes the door behind us.

"Sit down" she points to two chairs. We do what she says and then there's silence. Somehow it is not clear who starts how and with what. At some point his father asks: "Why are we here again?" Wille's mother looks first at him, then at me.

"Dad, we um..." Wille takes my hand and squeezes it tightly. "We're... together" he finally says. His father looks at us in surprise. "What do you think of it?" he shrugs his shoulders. He looks like he doesn't care at all.

"You know that I'm not really keen on your relationship because it can harm the family. But I've had enough time to think about you since the video. Somehow I've always seen things a little wrong, or expressed myself wrongly and I'm sorry for that. I have nothing against you personally, Simon" she looks at me.

"I'm sure you're very polite and nice and definitely don't have any wrong intentions, but that you are..." she pauses, as if she's thinking about how to put it.

"Well... a boy doesn't make the whole thing any better. If we were a normal family, I would probably accept your relationship without thinking about it too much. But since I, or rather we, have certain responsibilities and duties and take care of them isn't it be that easy..." always these shitty duties. "... after all, we have the privilege of being responsible for an entire country" that's debatable.

Because many people understand privilege differently. Yes, well, as a little child I always wanted to be a prince, I have no idea why. But since I've known Wille, I've known that I don't actually want that.

But when you're with a crown prince, you have no choice. And I mean, I'm definitely not going to break up with Wille just because he's crown prince, I've done that before, the reason was indirect, but I won't make that mistake again.

Completely lost in thought, I didn't listen when Wille spoke. Hopefully it wasn't anything important.

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