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Last concert
We have just played the last song for this concert, for this tour, even for this year and I am in an adrenaline rush and emotional chaos of the finest kind. We all bow and thank the fans. A few years ago I definitely wouldn't have believed that I would end a tour in Oslo, but here we are. In Oslo. In a hall with almost eight thousand people. At the end of our tour. Is Wille doing as well as me right now?

This question seems to have been resolved when we come off the stage and Oskar, my bodyguard, pulls me aside by the arm with a serious expression. "We're expected at the nearest airport" "What?" I ask confused. "Why?" Oskar puts his phone in my hand, which shows a picture of Wille and me kissing.

Fuck. Not again. Who was that? How is Wille? Is he because of that in some meeting right now? Does August bombard him with messages like, 'You should have listened to me'? Is his mother making a fool of him? Or is she taking the whole thing a little more calmly?

Lost in thought, I walk next to Oskar, quickly grab my phone on the way to the car and get in. Apparently not many of the people who are already outside have noticed, which is very pleasant at the moment.

When we arrive at the airport, there are probably four more bodyguards waiting for us. I get on the plane that is waiting and go through my messages during the flight. Wille also texted me, I look at his messages first.

- Good luck
- Not again
- Mom is going a little crazy right now, but not in the way I expected
- August goes crazy too, but so completely
- I hope you have a pleasant flight
- I'm sorry your evening has to end like this
- I love you❤️.

The other messages are actually all about this picture. I keep looking at the picture. At least it doesn't look totally shit. It just sounded like I didn't care, which I don't, I'm just trying to take the positives out of the situation. I'll see Wille again a day early. Another point for thinking positively and stuff. The press has now also heard that I am on the way to Stockholm. It will be a pleasure to get there.

Shortly after landing at an airport where there are a lot of people, I am taken out of the plane and put into a car that is only a few meters away. During the drive I become more nervous by the minute. How is Wille? Did he cry? Did he have to leave because everything was too much for him? How will the people in the palace react if I show up? They probably won't be happy.

Pov Wilhelm
"We have to sort this out somehow" "I know" my voice sounds hoarse. "You should have hide it better" says August. "How were these two supposed to know that they would be photographed here on the premises?!" Mom protects us, wow. "Then they shouldn't have kissed outside, quite simply" I ignore the rest that August says as two cars drive through the entrance.

"Please excuse me for a moment" I go through the door into the hallway, walk quickly down it and after a few stairs, I'm already outside where Simon is getting out of the car. He runs towards me and wraps his legs around my waist. I don't move from the spot and just enjoy being close to him.

"How are you doing?" he asks after a while. "Better" I smile and kiss him briefly. "Good" we go in holding hands.

We spend our time, long into the night, in lots of meetings in which we first discuss what needs to be done now and then work on a statement.

At four in the morning we finally fall into bed, dead tired. Simon snuggles up in my arms and falls asleep pretty quickly. I don't know what I would do if he wasn't here right now.

After very little sleep, we get ready to make the statement in the form of a speech. So I have to do it, Simon stays behind the camera, but still wants to be there.

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