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"Where are we going?" "It's still a surprise" Wille is turning onto a main street. "Open the box" I do as he says. "Now you take the cap that's inside and pull it over your head" I look at him a little annoyed at first, but then do what he said anyway. "Great" I can't see it, but I know for a fact that he's grinning a lot and really enjoying annoying me.

After a while the car becomes slower and slower until it finally stops completely. I hear Wille open his door and get out. A short time later he opens mine too and helps me get out. He takes my hand and walks with me a bit.

"Can’t someone see us?" I ask. "I organized beforehand that no one could see us, so no" he stops. "We're here" he whispers in my ear and takes off the cap. At first it is too bright to see anything. So I rub my eyes a few times until I can recognize it.

The football field.

I look at Wille, who is watching me, smiling. "Are you serious?!" he nods. I look around first and then hug him. "You're the best" "I know" after we pulled away from each other, we sat down on the grass. "It's legendary" I lay my head on his shoulder. "Yes, it is"

His phone vibrates and he apparently knows, without looking at it, what message just came. "The statement has been posted. I'm officially no longer with Lia." After a short pause he says: "There's a reason why I brought you here." "Okay" I say slowly. "And that would be?" He hesitates for a moment and then says:

"All the people are fake. They're made out of metal. But I still love you. And that is not fake."

He takes my hand with a smile.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

I kiss him. "Yes, I want to" he hugs me. "Thank you" "I have to tell you something too" he slowly lets go of me and looks at me questioningly.

"I love you"

I grin. He smiles and kisses me gently.

~ A few weeks later
I am since a few days at Wille's. These are the first days that I have no meetings or interviews in weeks. But it won't stay that way for long, as we're going on tour in three weeks through Sweden, Norway and Finland and, as we know, we still have to rehearse beforehand.

I'm really looking forward to the tour, it will be the first longer tour that we all do together. But I also want to stay with Wille. Is that understandable? I think so, he is my boyfriend after all.

I'm starting to wonder if his mother knows I'm here. He goes to meetings every day and then comes back here to just be with me. His bodyguards know about us. It was definitely impossible to hide it from them, but yes. Maybe his mother knows through them, which would also be the only possibility, because Wille would tell me if he had told her or at least I would definitely notice it because she won't be happy.

Alejandro is becoming more and more curious every day and he wants to know why I'm away all the time and he also wants to know where, the answer he always gets is: "I wanted to be home again, with mom." Of course mom knows about it.

I want to tell Alejandro, but now is just not the right time. I have no doubt that Wille and I will get through this together, but it won't be easy and I really have absolutely no desire for it to come out any way. I want the opportunity for us to make it public together, provided we're allowed to.

I just don't want the same thing to happen again that happened ten years ago. And right now I'm kind of glad that it's still a secret because we have peace and quiet and can just be ourselves.

I know I once had a different opinion, but now I'm older and also in the public eye and I'm slowly understanding Wille better in this area.

Pov Wilhelm
"Hi" I go to Simon, who is sitting at the table with his laptop. "Hey" he kisses me smiling. "How was it?" I sit down. "As expected, that statement caused a lot of unrest and mom is still not happy about our break up. And what about you?" I look at him. "I'm currently working on a chorus for a new song" he turns his laptop so that I can read what's on it.

'Sometimes I wish the two of us had met later. But I just want you to know, you are and will forever be a part of me. You are and will forever be, you are and will forever be.'
(Cr: Ein Teil - Cro)

"Wow. Sounds really good" I kiss him. "Thank you" he smiles and blushes a little. "What about the verses?" "The others have already worked on them. I promised them that I would have the chorus finished in two days." "Okay" I pull Simon towards me and hug him.

"Mom asked why you were here the last few days" I say after a while. "What did you say?" "Water damage and you couldn’t concentrate on your work in the hotel" I say with a grin. "I love you" he laughs. "Seriously now" I let him go.

"I want to tell my parents. I just don't know when or how yet and I have no idea if we'll ever be able to make it public because they definitely won't be happy" he smiles.

"If we can't make it public, then we just can't make it public..." he pauses briefly. "But I don't care, as long as we're together, nothing else matters" he kisses me.

~ A few days later
"Mom?" she looks up from her desk. "Wilhelm. Did something happen?" "Yes..." I say slowly. "What exactly?" she gets up and comes to me. "Lia's and my separation" I begin. "What about it?" "Simon was somehow to blame for it" "What do you want to say?" She has panic written all over her face.

"He... we... I love him. We're together and before you say something and we argue, I want you to give him a chance. A meal or a walk or something. I want you to making an opinion about him as my mother and not as the queen. A bad opinion about our relationship, okay, but not about him. Simon is the sweetest and kindest person I know, so please pull yourself together."

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