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"My phone was taken away and when I got it back weeks later, I had a new number and was only allowed to use it under supervision" I say.

"So you couldn't really get in touch?" I nod. "What a load of shit" he states. "Mhm" I force a smile. "But now we're sitting next to each other again. If my mother knew that, I don't think she would be so happy." "Probably not" he grins.

At that moment he receives a message. He looks briefly at his phone and then at me. "The boys are already asking about me. Will you come with me for a moment?" "Yes, why not" he stands up and holds out his hand to me. I take it and he pulls me up.

After I was able to convince Oskar to come with me and I quickly texted Lia where we were going, we felt like we were almost there.

When we get to the tent, Oskar and Simon lead the way and only when Oskar gives me permission am I allowed to go in.

Inside, Simon's band sits spread out on chairs and a small sofa. And I spot someone else in the corner. Linda. I smile.

Is it normal to be excited about meeting your ex-boyfriend's mother? Often, probably not. But with Linda you can only be happy.

At first she stares at me, like the others do, but then gets up and comes to us. She looks pleased at the sight of me. "Wille. Nice to see you" "I can only give it back" I hug her. Now the others stare even weirder and stupider.

"I have so many questions" one says. Simon laughs happily. In that connection, I can only agree with him, it is really very entertaining.

"How do you and Linda know the Crown Prince?!" Simon turns to him. He has slightly longer, reddish hair and is clutching a beer bottle in his left hand. "The two of us were at the same school for a few months. And since we..." he hesitates for a moment, looks at me and continues.

"...had a pretty close relationship, he came to our house a few times. Does that answer your question?" the boy nods. "Great" Simon sits down on a box and points to another one next to him. I sit down too.

"Now that we've sorted this out, let me introduce you. That's Wilhelm" he points to me. "And these are Mikko, Alejandro and Rob" he points to everyone he is naming as he lists them. I smile friendly at everyone around.

After we've talked for a few minutes about random stuff, Lia comes in with Oskar. I force a quick smile and kiss her as a greeting.

Out of the corner of my eye I see that Simon was taken aback by my smile. Why does he still have to know me so well? Somehow the thought makes me happy, I'm just not sure why, but it does.

Suddenly Mikko asks out of nowhere:
"Were you at the school together where the video was made?"

Simon and I briefly exchange a glance. He nods slowly. "Which video?" Rob looks questioningly from Mikko, to Simon and then to me.

"Just the video" I love how Mikko tries to prevent saying the words 'sex tape'. "Huh?" Rob still doesn't seem to have a plan. "The sex tape. My goodness" says Simon, uninhibited.

"That one who went so viral?" "Yes, exactly that" in this room, three people don't know for sure that it was me in the video, namely Mikko, Rob and Lia.

Yes, I know it's shitty to keep something like that from your girlfriend, but Mom told me not to and besides, I definitely didn't want to talk to her about it.

Alejandro looks like he knows too. From what I know, he and Simon are pretty close, so I wouldn't be surprised if he really knew.

Fortunately, no one is asking much about it yet. My phone vibrates and I look at it.

- In an hour you will be in my office. I don't give a damn where you are or what you're doing, you're coming.
- Not resist.

You can guess who these messages come from three times. Definitely not from my absolute favorite mother. How do you even come up with such ideas? Of course it's from her. From who else?

Lia looks over my shoulder. "Wilhelm. What have you done?" I shrug my shoulders. Simon looks at me questioningly. "My mother. We have to go, sorry"

I smile briefly at everyone around, hug Linda goodbye and, after a moment's hesitation, Simon too. Then we go out.

"And you really don't know what's going on?" I shake my head. "I don’t know" she puts her hand on my knee. "She definitely doesn’t sound enthusiastic" she states. "No, she doesn't do that"

I take my phone out of my pocket and groan in annoyance after seeing the pictures Felice sent me.

Screenshots of pictures of me and Simon sitting on the grass and him patiently waiting for me to get better, pictures of him pulling me up and pictures of us walking to the tent together. That explains mom's messages.

"I think I know why" I put my phone in her hand. She looks at it for a moment and looks back at me. "And these few pictures are why your mother is freaking out?!" "It's more complicated than you think" I pick up my phone again and put it back in my pocket.

"How come?" she asks confused. "I'm not allowed to tell you and I don't have the strength to right now." "Oh, okay" she says slowly.

"Will you tell me sometime?" I shrug my shoulders. "You’re really super talkative today" she leans back. I look out of the window.

I want to see Simon again, no matter what mom says right now. She already broke it for me once, that's enough. Immersed in thought, the rest of the time goes by pretty quickly.

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